Dr. No (1962)

Transcript (Text Only)

Three blind mice in a row
Three blind mice, there they go
Marching down the street, single file
To a calypso beat all the while
They’re looking for the cat
The cat that swallowed the rat
They want to show that cat
the attitude of three blind mice
Three blind mice, here and there
Three blind mice, everywhere
Searching all around for the cat
All over Kingston town, pit-a-pat
They got the carving knife
To cut the pussy cat’s life
The puss will get that knife for trifling
The three blind mice
Oh, the mice…

That’s it. 100 honours, and 90 below.
Nicely done, Strangways. I have to give it to you.
Afraid I must leave you for a few minutes. Order a round on my chit, Professor.
Damn it all! Must you always break off at this time?
Sorry, General. My managing director’s a creature of habit. I get a call every day at this time.
Anyway hurry back before the cards get cold.
Twenty minutes. And don’t try doctoring any hands for me while I’m away.
Same again.

Bless you, master.

Hurry, man! Hurry!
Get away, quick!

W6N… W6N… W6N. Calling G7W. How do you hear me? Over.
G7W London. G7W London. Receiving you. Over.
Stand by to transmit. Wait. Out.


Hello, W6N. Report my signals. Report my signals. Over. Hello, W6N. Over.
Foreman of signals – urgent.

Right, get me the Ml6 radio security control.

What is it?
W6N, Kingston, Jamaica. Broken contact, sir, just after they came up on routine transmission.
Broken or faded?
Broken, sir. Just voice. The carrier wave is still established.
Did you check on both emergency frequencies?
Yes, sir. No joy on either. I’m still calling.
Well keep trying. Let me know when they come up again.

Hello, W6N? W6N? Report my signals. Over.

Foreman of signals, sir. Jamaica’s broken off mid-transmission.
No, sir. It’s not a technical fault.
Yes, sir.
Will you tell him, sir?
Very good.

Excuse me, sir. Are you a member?
No, I’m looking for Mr James Bond.
What name should I say, sir?
Just give him my card, will you?
Would you like to leave your coat over there, sir?

200,000 á la banque.
Sept á la banque.
200,000 á la banque.
Banco suivi.
Huit á la banque.
C’est suivi.
The house will cover the difference?
Yeah, madame. Oui, monsieur. Changeur, s’il vous plaît.
Neuf á la banque.
I need another thousand.
I admire your courage, Miss, uh…?
Trench. Sylvia Trench.
I admire your luck, Mr…?
Bond. James Bond.
Mr. Bond, I suppose you wouldn’t care to, um, raise the limit?
I have no objections.
Pas possible, madame. Ce n’est pas légal.
C’est suivi, monsieur.
Looks like you’re out to get me.
It’s an idea, at that. Eight.
Huit á la banque.
Neuf á la banque.
Excuse me, sir.
Thank you. André, I must pass the shoe. Changeur! I hope you’ll forgive me, but it’s most important. Thank you. Have those changed, will you?

Have those changed, will you?

Too bad you have to go. Just as things were getting interesting.
Yes. Tell me, Miss Trench, do you play any other games? I mean, besides “chemin de fer”?
Hmm. Golf, amongst other things.
Tomorrow afternoon, then.
Tomorrow? Let me see…
And, uh, we could have dinner afterwards, perhaps?
Sounds tempting. May I, um, let you know in the morning?
Splendid. My number’s on the card.

Well, see if he’s there, will you? James, where on earth have you been? I’ve been searching London for you! 007 is here, sir. He’ll see you in a minute.
Moneypenny! What gives?
Me. Given an ounce of encouragement. You never take me to dinner looking like this, James. You never take me to dinner. Period.
I would, you know. Only M would have me court-martialled for, uh, illegal use of government property.
Flattery will get you nowhere. But don’t stop trying. Now.
What’s all this to-do about?
Strangways. And it looks serious. We’ve been burning the air between here and Jamaica for the last three hours. Oh. In you go.
Don’t forget to write.

Good evening, sir.
It happens to be 3 AM. When do you sleep, 007?
Never on the firm’s time, sir.
Sit down. Jamaica went off the air tonight, just like that. Right in the middle of the opening procedure. We’ve checked up and Strangways has disappeared. So has his secretary. She was a new girl. We’d only just sent her out.
Well was Strangways on something, uh, special?
He was checking an inquiry from the Americans. They’d been complaining about massive interference with their Cape Canaveral rockets. They think it comes from the Jamaica area. Does “toppling” mean anything to you?
A little. It’s throwing the gyroscopic controls of a guided missile off balance with a…a radio beam or something, isn’t it?
More or less. Five million dollars’ worth of missile aimed at a spot in the South Atlantic, but finishing up in the middle of the Brazilian jungle, is bad enough. Now they’re gonna try orbiting a rocket round the moon. The American CIA sent a man down to work with Strangways. A fellow by the name of Leiter. Do you know him?
I’ve heard of him. But never met him. Has he found out anything important?
You better ask “him”. You’re booked on the 7 o’clock plane to Kingston. That gives you exactly three hours, twenty-two minutes. Armourer. I’ll have a set of background papers to date delivered to you at the airport, in a self-destructor bag.You can study them during the flight. I want to know what’s happened to Strangways.
Take off your jacket. Give me your gun. Yes, I thought so. This damn Beretta again. I’ve told you about this before. You tell him – for the last time.
Nice and light – in a lady’s handbag. No stopping power.
Any comments, 007?
I disagree, sir. I’ve used a Beretta for ten years. I’ve never missed with it yet.
Yeah, maybe not, but it jammed on your last job and you spent six months in hospital in consequence. If you carry a double-oh number means you’re licensed to kill, not get killed. And another thing. Since I’ve been head of Ml6, there’s been a 40% drop in double-oh operative casualties and I want it to stay that way. You’ll carry the Walther. Unless, of course, you’d prefer to go back to standard intelligence duties?
No, sir. I would not.
Then from now on you carry a different gun. Show him, armourer.
Walther PPK. 7.65 mil with a delivery like a brick through a plate-glass window. Takes a Brausch silencer, with little reduction in muzzle velocity. The American CIA swear by them.
Thank you, Major Boothroyd.
Thank you, sir. Good night, sir.
Any questions, 007?
No, sir.
All right, then. Best of luck.
Thank you, sir.
Just leave the Beretta.

Uh, Miss Moneypenny. Forget the usual repartee. 007’s in a hurry.
Good luck.

There! Now you made me miss it.
You don’t miss a thing. How did you get in here? Never mind that now you’re here.
I decided to accept your invitation.
Uh, that was for tomorrow afternoon. Tell me. Do you always dress this way for golf?
I changed into something more comfortable. Oh, I hope I did the right thing.
Well, you did the right thing, but you picked the wrong moment. I have to leave immediately.
Oh, that’s too bad. Just as things were getting interesting again. When did you say you had to leave?
Immediately. Almost immediately.

Hello, New York. Your Pan-Am 323 just landed – Kingston, Jamaica.
Would passengers please go to terminal four?

Taxi! All right, then. Go ahead.
Help yourself. Taxi!
Mister…Bond, sir?
I’m Mr. Jones, sir – chauffeur from Government House, I’ve been sent to get you.
Oh, that’s fine, Mr. Jones. You can drop my luggage off at the hotel on the way. Now, hang on a minute, will you? I want to check my reservation.
Well, I can do that.
No, no. You just take care of the bags.

Government House?
Principal Secretary, please.
Hold the line, please. Who wants him?
Uh, James Bond. Universal Exports.
Welcome to Jamaica, Mr. Bond. Yes, your, uh, head office alerted us this morning. You free for lunch today? 1 o’clock?
One o’clock, your office? That’ll suit me fine. By the way – have you sent a car to meet me?
Car? I didn’t think you wanted an official reception.
Quite right. 1 o’clock, then. Forgive me if I’m, uh, a few minutes late.

Thank you.
Where would you like to go to first, sir?
Oh, Government House, but I’m not in a hurry. Just, uh, take me for a ride.

Do you always drive this fast? I told you I wasn’t in a hurry.
Sorry, sir, but I think there’s some fella trying to follow us.
Then I suggest you, uh, try and lose them.

Take the next turning on the right.

Now, Mr. Jones. Talk fast before your friend doubles back. Who are you working for?
I…don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just sent to meet you at the airport.
Ah, but by whom?
By…Government House.
I don’t think so. Both hands on the wheel, Mr. Jones. I’m a very nervous passenger. Get out – move! Keep your hands where I can see them.

Get up! Now talk.
All right. All right. Let me have a cigarette. To hell with you!

Sergeant, make sure he doesn’t get away.

Ts-ts-ts. Cyanide in a cigarette? Fantastic!
No less.
Well, Duff, what have you got for us?
The car was stolen and we certainly haven’t been able to identify the driver yet. But he surely wasn’t a Kingston man.
Well, wherever he was from, news of my arrival leaked.
We we didn’t advertise it, I can assure you.
Perhaps not. I got the impression someone had been selling tickets.
Anything more we can do for you?
Yes, I’d like to meet the last people to see Strangways.
Well, nobody seems to have seen him after he left our bridge four at the Queens Club.
And who were the others?
Professor Dent…
Metallurgist, runs a test laboratory. Respected. Clean bill.
And Potter…
Old general. Ex-Indian army. Been here for ages.
Well we’ll start with those.
Want them brought in?
Lord, no! I want to meet them socially.
I can introduce you at the club tonight?
Fine. Now I’d like to take a look at Strangways’ place, Commissioner.
I’ll run you up there now.

Go on in.
Ah, yes, that’s her blood patch. They’ve grouped it as O Rh positive.
And that’s her group all right.
The set was still switched on when we came ’round. We tried to get through on the same frequency, but it was dead the other end.
And it’ll stay dead. All frequencies are changed immediately security’s broken. Receipt from Dent Laboratories. Geology a hobby of Strangways’?
Not that I know of, no.
Who’s the man with Strangways?
Oh, one of the local fishermen.
He drove the car that tailed me from the airport.
Is that so? That gives us something to work on. I’ll have a thorough check made on him.
Yes, you do that. I want to have a bath and change before I meet Pleydell-Smith at the club. Alright?

One medium-dry vodka martini – mixed like you said, sir, and not stirred. Anything else, sir?
No, that’s all.
Very well, sir.

Curious, old Strangways just vanishing like that. Or is it? Cherchez la femme. That secretary of his was very nice. Very nice indeed.
Did you know her?
Oh, I’ve seen her around, you know?
I suppose none of you can throw any light on what happened to him? In his conversation? Any hint?
Personally, I never heard him talk about anything but big game fishing and bridge.
Fishing was the latest craze. He got the bug three weeks ago and he’s been out practically every day since.
It must have cost something. These fishermen ask the earth to charter, and Quarrel’s the most expensive of them all.
Cayman Islander. Keeps a boat in the harbor.
I see.

Thanks. Excuse me. Where do I find Quarrel?
Thank you.

Your name Quarrel?
I’m a friend of, uh, Commander Strangways.
Now ain’t that nice! I like people who’s friends of people.
I thought you might be able to tell me what happened to him.
As far as I know, nothing happened. Unless you know…different, Captain.
Where did you take him in your boat?
You see that, Captain? That there’s the Caribbean. That’s where. Fishing.
I’m interested in fishing. I’d like to charter your boat.
I’m sorry, Captain. It’s not for hire.
It seems I came to the wrong address.
That’s all right, Captain. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I got business to attend to.

Underneath the mango tree, me honey and me come watch for the moon
Underneath the mango tree, me honey and me make boolooloop soon
Underneath the moonlit sky me honey and I can sit hand in hand
Underneath the moonlit sky me honey and I can make fairyland
Mango, banana and tangerine

Hey, Puss-Feller.
Well, if it ain’t my friend what gets addresses mixed! You got the right one this time if you likes good eating.
I do, if the…conversation matches it.
Back at the boat too public. In there it different.
Well, after you.
Sure thing. Hey, man! You see we get a bit of privacy.
Nothing but, Quarrel. Nothing but.

Take a seat.
No, I’m fine.
OK, mister. Supposing you start the conversation. Now how’s about it? Ain’t no use you struggling. Puss-Feller wrestles alligators.

Right. Up slowly and face that wall.
Hold it. Gently, bud. Gently. Let’s not get excited. Frisk him.
Interesting. Where were you measured for this, bud?
My tailor. Savile Row.
That so? Mine’s a guy in Washington. Felix Leiter. Central Intelligence Agency. You must be James Bond.
You mean we’re fighting the same war?
Yeah. I spotted you at the airport, but, uh, when I saw you drive off with the opposition I figured I must be wrong. This is Quarrel, he’s been helping me.
No hard feelings, I hope?
Only a sore hand. Glad to know you, Mister Bond.
That’s Puss-Feller. He owns the place.
I hope he cooks better than he fights!
You can always find out!
Nobody died from my cooking – yet!

Down Kingtson town, ya know all the people go jump up
Waving arms about, weaving in and out it’s so easy to jump up
Take a pretty girl, take a whirl and then do it again and then jump up
Hold her very tight, then for all the night you’ll be doing the jump up
Jump up! Jump up! Jamaica!
Jump up! Jump up! Jamaica!
Jump up music! Jamaica!
Never want to stop! Jump up!
Jump up! Jump up! Jamaica!
Jump up! Jump up! Jamaica!
Jump up music! Jamaica!
Never want to stop! Jump up!

Well, there you are. Cape Canaveral is screaming because with this moon rocket launching schedule, they don’t want anything to go wrong.
And yet you say Strangways didn’t think the interference came from here?
I suppose you, uh, cased the joint?
I checked – unofficially. You limeys can be pretty touchy about trespassing, you know. Strangways and Quarrel checked the offshore islands.
You found nothing?
Not a thing.
Where did you look?
Just about most everywhere. Fire Island, Crab Key, Morgan’s Reef.
Checked them all thoroughly?
All except Crab Key. We didn’t have no right to go there.
Why not?
It belongs to a Chinese…
Get her, Quarrel – and the camera.

Evening, missus.
You’re hurting!
The Captain wants you to have a drink with us.
You’re hurting me!
You can’t mean it.

Good evening. Why do you want another picture of me?
Because I only got your hat at the airport. Tell this ape to let me go!
But why do you want a picture at all?
Because that’s the way I earn my living.
Who pays you?
Oh… “The Daily Gleaner”!
Puss-Feller! Puss-Feller!
Anything I can do?
Ever seen this girl before?
She come here sometimes. She being a nuisance to you? Huh? You want for me to get rid of her?
No. Just ring the “Gleaner”. Find out if they sent a photographer here tonight, will you?
They didn’t send me. I work freelance.
Freelance, hm? For whom?
Tell us and he’ll stop.
We don’t get nothing out of this gal. You want for me to break her arm?
Another time. The second time nothing’s come out. Give her her arm back. Run along, freelance!.
You’ll be sorry. You’ll all be sorry, you rats!
One takes cyanide, another would have stood for her arm being broken. Neither would talk. Who puts that sort of scare into people?
I think maybe we’d better find out, but fast.
Look, you were talking about Crab Key. What’s so special about it? Why can’t we go over there?
It belongs to a Chinese character. He won’t allow anyone to land. I had our naval reconnaissance planes took a look. They found nothing but a bauxite mine. Low-scan C-H radar setup. There’s nothing illegal about that.
That Crab Key scares me plenty. Friends of mine went out there once after seashells. Only trouble, they never came back again.
None of the local fishermen will go near the place.
Commander Strangways and me, we slip in at night. He take some samples and we came straight back again. Don’t do for a man to hang about there.
What kind of samples?
Oh, bits of rock. Sand. Water.
I see. Crab Key begins to interest me. What else do we know about this Chinese gentleman?
Nothing much. Except his name. Doctor No.

I’d like to see Professor Dent, please.
Have you an appointment, sir?
No, tell him it’s James Bond. We met yesterday at the Queen’s Club.
Very well. He’s somewhere in the lab. Uh, is Professor Dent there? Oh, never mind. Thank you.
Morning, Professor.
Mr. Bond. Anything I can do for you?
Oh yes, I came across this in Strangways’ office. Your receipt.
Yes, that’s right.
Can you tell me anything about it?
Poor old Strangways. Bit of a bug of his, you know, this amateur geology. He brought some rock samples in to me for testing, convinced they were valuable.
Were they?
No, of course not. Just low-grade iron pyrites.
Can I see them?
Well, no, I… I threw ’em away.
Well have you any idea where he found them?
No, he didn’t say.
Crab Key, perhaps?
Definitely not.
Why so certain?
Not geologically possible.
Thank you very much, indeed, Professor. It’s very kind of you to spare me so much of your time.
You’re very welcome, Mr. Bond.
Oh, Professor…Allow me. Morning.

I’ve got to get to Crab Key.
I can’t take you. You know the procedure, sir.
Look, there’s no time for procedure now. I’ll take responsibility. Come on.
Man, I hope you know what you’re doing.
Come on, come on.
All right. Wind up.

I radioed. They’re expecting me.
Go ahead.

Sit down. Why have you disobeyed my strictest rule and come in daylight?
I had to. Bond came to see me this morning.
Yes, I know. I gave orders that he should be killed. Why is he still alive?
Our attempts failed.
Your attempts failed. I do not like failure. You are not going to fail me again, Professor.
No. I came to warn you.
Warn me?
Tell you. Bond has discovered those rock samples of Strangways came from Crab Key. He’s not a fool. He’s sure to come out here.
I hope not. If he does, I shall hold you responsible. I make myself clear?
Yes, quite clear.
Go to the table. You see what is in the cage? Pick it up. Pick it up! Tonight.

I’d like to send a cable.
Yes, of course. Oh by the way, the car you ordered, it’s been delivered. It’s in number five parking lot.
Thank you. Good night.
Good night, Mr. Bond.

Morning, Pleydell-Smith.
Morning, Bond.
Sorry to trouble you so early, but I need some information.
Go ahead.
All you have on Dr. No and Crab Key.
Miss Taro, bring me the files on Dr. No, will you? Sit down.
What can you tell me about this island?
Not much, except there’s a bauxite mine there. Dr. No runs the place like a concentration camp. I’ve heard some funny rumours, but no-one’s ever complained officially. Right, Miss Taro. Just leave them here, will you?
I’m very sorry, but we can’t find them anywhere.
What do you mean you can’t find them? Who had them last?
Commander Strangways, sir. Both files.
All right, Miss Taro. All right. Damn nuisance, their disappearing like that.
On the contrary. I’d have been surprised if they hadn’t.
Oh by the way, that came for you from London this morning, in the plane, in the diplomatic pouch.
Present from home. Can I get out that way?

Yeah, that’s a naughty little habit – listening at keyholes?
I wasn’t listening, I was looking for those files. Anything that can’t be found, I get the blame.
Oh, forget it. Actually, it’s not very important anyhow. I just hate to think you’re going to spend the whole afternoon looking for these things.
No. I have the afternoon off.
Well there’s a coincidence, so have I. Why don’t you show me around the island?
What should I say to an invitation from a strange gentleman?
You should say yes.
I should say maybe.
Three o’clock, my hotel. Maybe?
Yes, maybe.

The luminous dial activates it. Here, hold this. Now, where exactly did Commander Strangways place those samples?
About where your feet is, sir.

Hi, there.
Lose something?
Take a look at this Geiger reading. Those samples Strangways brought back from Crab Key…were radioactive. Yet, Professor Dent told me they were worthless chunks of iron ore.
He’s either a bad professor or a poor liar.
And I intend to find out which. Quarrel, how soon can you get us over to Crab Key?
Well, it’s like this here, Captain. Commander Strangways, he done take samples of all the islands. Supposing we start checking the nearest ones first.
No, no. Crab Key’s the one I’m interested in.
I done take the commander there. We got away without trouble. It don’t do for a man to tempt providence too often. You see…there’s a dragon.
Ha, native superstition. Started by Dr. No, probably.
All right, Quarrel. We don’t want to force you to do anything. Leiter and I will go after dark, if you’ll give us the navigational directions.
I gets my navigational directions from my nose, my ears, from my instincts. Anyway, I’ll be here about seven.

Oh, Mr. Bond! There’s a telephone message for you. Johnny, what have you done with it?
Ah it’s right here.

Hello? Oh, Mr. Bond! I was thinking, why don’t you collect me at my apartment? It’s lovely up here in the mountains – nice and cool. All right. You leave the Port Royal Road out of Kingston, then along the Wentworth Road, until you get to the cement factory. Then you turn left. Follow the road up the hill, down the other side, then two miles further on, on the left, Magenta Drive 239. I’ll be waiting for you.

How did it happen?
I think they were on their way to a funeral.

Just a minute!
Well, you did invite me here, remember?
Oh, of course. I just didn’t expect you here so soon. Yes, yes, come in. Uh…I’ll just go and put some clothes on.
Ah, don’t go to any trouble on my account.
Well, forgive me. I thought I was invited up here to admire the view. I feel one of us should answer it.

Hello? Yes. Yes, I know he’s here now. I don’t know what happened. All right. I’ll try and keep him here for a couple of hours. Alright. I’ll have to go now. Alright, I’ll call you later.
You believe in living dangerously. I can see that.
What do you mean?
Sitting around with wet hair, you’ll die of pneumonia. It’s rather beautiful.
Thank you.
Tell me, do you always wear it up?
Don’t you like it that way?
Yes, very much. With your sort of…face it’s, it’s wonderful.
What’s going on behind my back?
Nothing. Look – no hands.

I’m hungry. Let’s go out and eat.
I’ll make you a Chinese dinner here.
No. I’m feeling Italian and musical. Let’s go to the Blue Mountain Grill.
I’d rather stay here. It’s more fun…alone.
Yes, but I don’t want you getting dishpan hands.
I like cooking.
Forget it. May I use your phone?
Who are you ringing?
Taxi. Uh, James Bond here. Can I have a car sent to 2171 Magenta Drive? As soon as you can, please. Thank you.
I thought you came by car.
Eh, damn thing wouldn’t start. Engine trouble.
That explains…
Explains what?
Why you need a taxi.
Why I need a taxi?
Careful – my nail varnish!

The lights.
No, no, I always leave them on. What’s… What’s going on?!
Forgive me. Book her, Superintendent, will you? And, uh…be careful of her nail varnish.

Underneath the mango tree me honey and me can watch for the moon
Underneath the mango tree me honey and me make boolooloop soon
Underneath the moonlit sky me honey and I come sit hand in hand
Underneath the moonlit sky me honey and I come make fairyland
Mango, banana and tangerine Sugar and ackee…

Drop it, Professor! I’m behind you! It’s funny I thought you’d turn up sooner or later. Sit down.
The girl talked.
But of course. I was suspicious at the Queen’s Club anyhow when it turned out you were the only one who’d seen Strangways’ new secretary. And then later, at the lab, you made no reference to the fact that Strangways’ samples were radioactive.
Very clever, Mr. Bond. But you’re up against more than you know. You shoot me and you’ll end up like Strangways.
And you killed him?
He was killed, but never mind how.
Who are you working for, Professor?
Well you might as well know as you won’t live to use the information. I’m working for…
It’s a Smith & Wesson, and you’ve had your six.

Better late than never.
Everything ready?
Yeah, for the last two hours.
Now don’t worry, Quarrel, everything’s going to be fine.
You say so, Captain. Bottom part of where my belly used to be tells me different.
For me, Crab Key’s going to be a a gentle relaxation.
From what? Dames?
No, from being a clay pigeon.

Yes, this is as far as we can go with the engine. Make with paddle and wind from now on in.
Let me go with him.
No, we settled that. Anyhow, it’s my beat.
But it’s my head in the noose if anything gets unstuck. Canaveral’s say they can only wait 48 hours for that moon shot.
We’ll be back in 12. If not, then it’s your beat. You’d better bring your Marines with you.
Hey, Quarrel, if you see a dragon, you get in first and breathe on him, you hear? With all that rum in you, he’ll die happy!

Better drop the sail in case their radar’s on scan.
Hard about, Captain! Now!

Cover it up. We’d better get some sleep before it gets light. I’ll be down this end.

Mango, banana and tangerine
La-da-da-dee-da-da cocoa bean
When we get married we make them grow
Da-dee-da-da in a row
Underneath the mango tree
La-da la-da dee
Come watch for the moon
La-da-da-da mango tree, me honey and me
Make boo-loo-loop
Underneath the mango tree…
Make boo-loo-loop soon
La-da-da dee-da-da… me honey and me
Underneath the mango tree my honey and me…
Who’s that?
It’s all right. I’m not supposed to be here, either. I take it you’re not. Are you alone?
What are “you” doing here? Looking for shells?
No. I’m just looking.
Stay where you are.
I promise I won’t steal your shells.
I promise you you won’t either. Stay where you are!
I can assure you, my intentions are strictly honorable. What’s your name?
Ryder what?
Honey…Ryder. What’s so funny about it?
Nothing. It’s a very pretty name.
What’s your name?
James. Tell me Honey, did you use your sail all the way up to the reef here?
Of course. I always do.
Then they’ll know we’re here. They have radar.
Oh, my boat is too small to be noticed. And I often come here to get the shells. At first they used to try to catch me, but they couldn’t. Now I don’t think they bother any more.
Well they will this time. Hey, don’t bother with those now.
Huh, don’t bother?
Are they valuable?
This one is worth $50 in Miami! Fifty! You promise you won’t tell anyone?
I promise.

Hey! Come and take a look!
That’s all right, he’s with me.
Captain, what do you think of that!
What’s the matter? That’s a high-powered boat. Take some cover! Come on!

They’re here all right. OK, folks! Come out and you won’t get hurt! Stand up and show yourselves or I’ll be forced to open fire! Come on out! We know you’re there! We’ve been expecting you! Just walk out with your hands up and you’ll be okay! This is your last chance!
They’re bluffing. Keep your head down.
All right. You’ve been warned! This is it!
Lie still. It won’t last long. They don’t really know we’re here.
Fire! Are you coming out? All right, then. We’ll be back. We’ll be back with the dogs! Full speed ahead!

I told you there was something wrong about this place.
That was a machine gun, not a dragon.
Oh, there’s a dragon here, too.
She’s right.
You’ve seen it, hm?
Yes, I have. He had two great, glaring eyes, short tail and pointed wings. He was breathing fire. You don’t believe me, do you?
Little gal, I does. I tell ya, Mr. Bond. Let’s get the hell outta here!
Listen, both of you. There are no such things as dragons. What you saw was something that looked like one. I’m trying to think what it was.
How do you know there aren’t? Anyhow what do you know about animals? Did you ever see a mongoose dance? Or ascorpion with sunstroke sting itself to death? Or a praying mantis eat her husband after making love?
I hate to admit it, but I haven’t.
Well, I have.
She’s right.
All right, they’ve gone. Honey, you’re getting out of here.
Huh, I’m getting out when I’m ready. And that’s never in daylight.
This time you are, and fast. Where’s your boat? Fetch my shoes.

Look! Look what they’ve done! It’s all your fault!
I’m sorry. I’ll get you a new boat when we get back to Kingston. What are we going to do with her now?
If you like, I know a good place where we can hide.
That’ll do for a start. Leave the things you don’t need, now quick.
All right, all right.

Must we come this way?
Yes. It throws the dogs off the scent.
Damn mosquitoes!
Oh, rub water all over yourself. It’s the salt they’re after.
Hey! Quick! They’s coming! Across there!
Quarrel, cut some of those reeds. Give me the knife. Over there.
They’re coming closer. Aiee!
Keep quiet!
Something’s biting my foot!
Keep quiet anyway, if you disturb the mud, they’ll know someone’s been here. Get down.

Look like they’re onto something…

Shh! Down, get down!

Because I had to.
That guy sure knew his business, trailing us after we’d let the others done pass.
We’ve gotta get outta here quick. Now, where is this hiding place of yours?
Up there.
Come on.

You smell nicer already.
Oh, thank you.
Mr. Bond! Quick!
What’s it now?
Look at these!
Those are dragon tracks! Oh, look! That’s where he breathed!
Captain, you ought to get some rest if you wants to. I stay out here. On watch. In case he smells us out and comes a-looking for us.
Right, and I’ll take the second watch. We’ll be out of here by midnight.

I never met a detective before. Are you going to arrest Dr. No?
Well, someone is. We can’t have him trying to kill everyone who comes here.
He doesn’t just try.
I’m pretty sure he killed my father.
What do you mean by that?
You see, my father was a marine zoologist. We came to the Caribbean for him to study seashells. Then one day he came to Crab Key…and I never saw him again. They said he must have been drowned, but he was far too good a diver for that to happen to him.
Well didn’t the police investigate? And what about your family?
Oh they investigated for a long time. Then they said missing, presumed dead. I haven’t got any family. There was only my father and me.
You mean you’re here all alone? Where did you live before you came to the Caribbean?
All over the world. The Philippines, Bali, Hawaii. Just about anywhere there were shells.
I suppose you went to school “somewhere”?
I didn’t need to. We had an encyclopedia. I started at A when I was eight, and now I’ve reached T. I bet I know a lot more things than you do.
Didn’t anyone in Kingston help?
Well…there was this man who owned the place where we were living. He let me stay on for a while without paying. Then one night he came up to my room… Well, you know. I scratched his face, and then…But he was stronger than I was.
And what happened after that?
I put a black-widow spider underneath his mosquito net. A female, and they’re the worst. It took him a whole week to die. Did I do wrong?
Well, it wouldn’t do to make a habit of it.
Do you have a woman of your own?
Captain, quick! Down here! Whatever’s coming, it’s coming this way!
This time I want to see it. And hurry! There’s less than 12 hours to go!

Stay where you are! All of you! Stay right where you are!
Okay, Captain. If that ain’t a dragon, what is it?
A dragon that runs on diesel engines. You can forget the spooks, Quarrel. When he gets within range, you take the driver. I’ll take the headlights and tires. You keep safe out of sight. Come on, Quarrel.

I told you to stay there!
I was frightened.
Then get down!

Don’t look.
Come on out! Hands where we can see ’em! And the dame! Quick! Unless you want an extra navel. Hold it. Drop that gun. Now kick it away from you. The girl will stay where she is. Now walk towards me, hands out in front.
Come on! Hey, you! Hey you! Where do you think you’re going!
Sorry we ain’t got any flowers. Come on, let’s go. Come on. Come on, let’s go!
Give me that knife.
Leave him alone! Leave him alone!
Get out of the way!

Get inside! Keep an eye on the man. And be careful. They’ve been in the swamp and they’re contaminated.
Check their Geiger reading!
He’s reading 95, Chief. She’s 88.
Too much for the monitor. Scrub them down, but quick!
Turn around, both of you.

Reading 72.8.
The mud’s soaked into their clothes.
All right, then. Take off all their clothes.
What’s he going to do?
Do as he says. We picked up some radioactive contamination. Do the girl first.
Now look man, we give the orders around here.
Yeah that’s fine, but do something about this, will you? Here, come here, you. Here.
Use the high-temperature jets. Full pressure.

She’s reading 47.
All right, then. Put the man through.
He’s now clocking 40.
It is still high.
Reading 38. Thirty-two. Down to 8.
Hold the girl. Stage three.
He’s now 18. He’s now at 8.
Practically zero. She’s clear.
Good. Get the man ready.
He’s got a count of four.
Check his fingernails.
Put your hands in there. He’s OK.
I will notify reception they’re coming through.
Decontamination here. They’re coming through now.

Come in. Come in Come in. You poor dears. We simply didn’t know when to expect you. First it was teatime yesterday, and then dinner. And it was only half an hour ago we knew you were on your way.
Cigarette? There’s American, there’s English, and there’s Turkish. I’m Sister Rose. This is Sister Lily. We’re here to make your stay as pleasant as possible.
That’s really most kind of you, but for the moment…
Of course! You’ll be wanting to see your room! Breakfast is already ordered, and then you’ll want to sleep. The doctor left strict orders you’re not to be disturbed until this evening. He’ll be delighted if you join him for dinner. Shall I say you’ll be there?
Tell him I also will be delighted.
Splendid. I know he’ll be pleased. Here we are.

This will be your room, Mr. Bond. This is your bathroom in here. And for you, young lady, this is your room. And you’ll find fresh clothes in here. I hope they fit. We didn’t get your sizes till last night. Don’t hesitate to ring if there’s anything else you want. Anything at all.
Such as two air tickets to London?
I’ll leave you two dear people in peace.

Well, let’s have some breakfast.
How can you eat at a time like this?
Because I’m hungry. We don’t know when we’ll get the chance to eat again. Here, take this. Careful. The whole place is probably wired for sound.
Have you…Have you any idea what they’re going to do with us?
No idea. No door handles or windows, either.
It’s a prison, then.
Mink-lined with first-class service. What’s the matter?
I don’t feel so good. I feel so sleepy.
Damn coffee!

How do you feel?
Sleepy. What made us pass out like that?
In the coffee, it was drugged.

It’s almost time for dinner. We don’t want to keep the doctor waiting, do we?
That would never do. You ready, Honey?
I suppose so.
You’re doing fine. Come on. Am I, uh, properly dressed for the occasion?
Quite suitable.
Suitable for what?

This way, please.
I’m glad your hands are sweating, too.
Of course I’m scared, too. So be natural and leave all the talking to me.
In here, please. I hope you enjoy your dinner.

Come and look!
Artificial light. We could be hundreds of feet beneath the sea here.
And look at that. Sea tulips. They do not grow above 200 feet.
One million dollars, Mr. Bond. You were wondering what it cost.
As a matter of fact, I was.
Forgive my not shaking hands. It becomes a bit awkward with these. A misfortune. You were admiring my aquarium.
Yes. It’s quite impressive.
A unique feat of engineering, if I may say so. I designed it myself. The glass is convex, ten inches thick, which accounts for the magnifying effect.
Minnows pretending they’re whales. Just like you on this island, Dr. No.
It depends, Mr. Bond, on which side the glass you are. A medium dry martini, lemon peel, shaken, not stirred.
Of course. We’ll have dinner at once. There’s so much to discuss, so little time.

Well, Dr. No, you haven’t done badly, considering.
A handicap is what you make of it. I was the unwanted child of a German missionary and a Chinese girl of good family. Yet I became treasurer of the most powerful criminal society in China.
It’s rare for the Tongs to trust anyone who isn’t completely Chinese.
I doubt they shall do so again. I escaped to America with ten million of their dollars in gold.
That’s how you financed this operation. It was a good idea to use atomic power. I’m glad to see you can handle it properly. I’d hate to think your decontamination chamber wasn’t effective.
My work has given me a unique knowledge of radioactivity, but not without costs, as you see.
Yes. Your power source had our organisation puzzled for some time.
They are still puzzled, Mr. Bond.
Not any longer. I sent a complete report.
Bluff, Mr. Bond. You’ve not contacted your headquarters since you requested a Geiger counter.
But there are so many files open on you already, Dr. No. Our own, the CIA’s…The one from the Tong society that you robbed. When trouble comes, you’ll find this is a very small and naked little island.
An expendable little island, Mr. Bond. When my mission here in Crab Key is accomplished, I destroy it and move on. But the habit of inquiry is consistent. I see you’re wondering why, where, when. I only gratify your curiosity because you’re the one man I’ve met capable of appreciating what I’ve done. And keeping it to himself.
Just a minute. There’s no point in involving the girl at this stage. She has nothing to do with us. Let her go free. She’ll promise not to talk.
No, I won’t, I’m staying with you.
I don’t want you here.
I agree. This is no place for the girl. Take her away.
No! No!
I’m sure the guards will amuse her.
Let me go! No!
That’s a Dom Pérignon ’55. It would be a pity to break it.
I prefer the ’53 myself.
Clumsy effort, Mr. Bond. You disappoint me. I’m not a fool, so please do not treat me as one. And that table knife, please put it back.
Well, we can’t all be geniuses, can we? Tell me, does the toppling of American missiles really compensate for having no hands?
Missiles are only the first step to prove our power.
Our power? With your disregard for human life you must be working for the East.
East, West – just points of the compass, each as stupid as the other. I’m a member of SPECTRE.
SPECTRE. Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, Extortion. The four great cornerstones of power, headed by the greatest brains in the world.
Correction. Criminal brains.
The successful criminal brain is always superior. It has to be.
Well, why become criminal? I’m sure the West would welcome a scientist of your… caliber.
The Americans are fools. I offered my services. They refused. So did the East. Now they can both pay for their mistake.
World domination. That same old dream. Our asylums are full of people who think they’re Napoleon…or God.
You persist in trying to provoke me, Mr. Bond. I could’ve had you killed in the swamp.
And why didn’t you?
I thought you less stupid. Usually, when a man gets in my way…But you were different. You cost me time, money, effort. You damaged my organization and my pride.
I was curious to see what kind of a man you were. I thought there might even be a place for you with SPECTRE.
Well, I’m flattered. I’d prefer the revenge department. Of course, my first job would be finding the man who killed Strangways and Quarrel.
Unfortunately, I misjudged you. You are just a stupid policeman whose luck has run out.
They’re waiting for you in the control room, Dr. No.
No hurry. They won’t have started their countdown check yet.
You won’t get away with it, Dr. No. The Americans are prepared for any trouble.
I never fail, Mr. Bond.
What do we do with him?
Soften him up. I haven’t finished with him yet.

Have you got new fuel elements loaded?
All ready, sir.
The roadblock is about, uh, 3,000 feet away. Everyone in that area is pulled back. No traffic allowed in there. The launch area is completely cleared for safety. The only personnel within the 3,000 feet are the launch crew inside the blockhouse and the test counter. Although the alarm has not been given, the time of the alarm must be near the count. The vehicle is now at its full weight of 240 tons. And all the automatic transistors have been put on in the vehicle. This includes…
We will run up to half power for 30 seconds.
Uh, from a technical standpoint…
Control interlocks free. Fuel elements 12.5. Control?
Control rod actuators operating. Core temperature 113.
Converters standing by. Ignition meters on.
Counters 121, 141, 109.
Energy stabilizers?
Energy steady at .8 megawatts…
…traffic stations are plugged into the Mercury Control Center here at Cape Canaveral.
Fuel elements?
Let’s see we’re just checking down on our gantry…
Fuel elements! Where’s Chang? Chang! What are you doing there? Get on the gantry! Hurry!
The emergency tower was put in its place on time….position. Although the alarm has not been given, the time of the alarm was clear of the count. It’s now totally deserted.
Shut down.
Shut down reactor!
This is where space traffic control should make a second go or no-go decision.
This is Mercury Control. The countdown for the MA-7-1 is now t-minus six and counting…
Reactor shutdown, temperature 227, falling.
Converters off.
Converters off.
Radiation reading.
Radiation zero.
Shutdown procedure complete. Reactor safe.
Last fuelling control has been made.
Stand by.
We will now stay on Mercury Spacecraft Control for the final countdown.
This is Mercury Control. The check indicates all systems are go at this time. The countdown is now 4 minutes, 30 seconds and counting. This is Mercury Control. The spacecraft pilot, the launch, the tracking crew in case of emergency, and now even the weather man, have given us the word go.
Remain on standby. Approximately two minutes to go.
Control rod actuators standing by.
Converters standing by.
Synchronize radio beam for toppling.
Synchronizing radio beam for toppling. Radio beam synchronised for toppling. Zeroed on the rocket now.
We will now stay on Mercury Spacecraft Control for the final countdown…
Stand by. Run to full power. Fuel elements 21.
Attention all controls. Going into operation…now.
Control has been made. The umbilical is retracted. All elements of progress and operation are reported that they’re in good condition for the flight. We are t-minus one-nine seconds… T-minus one-five and counting. Ten…Nine…Eight…Seven…Six…Five… Four… Three…
Stop, you fools it’s running wild! Shut down!
Two…One…Zero! Ignition! Lift off!
The tower has been jettisoned. It’s a hunk. There’s the rocket against that grey sky, and it’s great! We can see the outline of the rocket. The engines are burning. You can hear the roar, and the roar still sounds good and true. It’s above the fourth tank. It’s a very hot rocket. You can see the flame of it against the grey of the fog and it’s coming into clear blue sky. Up in the sunlight, beginning to gleam. A very good, steady climb.
All systems go! Go! Go!

Honey! Honey! Honey! Where is the girl I came in with? Where is she?
I don’t know! I don’t know!
Where’s the girl they brought in with me? Where is she?
Number twelve.
Show me.

We’ve run out of fuel.
What are we going to do now?
Well, we can swim, or, uh…
Or what?
Come here.

Ahoy, Mr. Bond! Ahoy, Mr. Bond!
Well, well! What’s the matter? Do you need help?
I’m quite sure you don’t.
Well, now that you’re here, you’d better give us a tow!
Throw us your line!