Gun Barrel Theme.
James Bond: “The name is Bond. James Bond.”
Jenny Flex: “Welcome sir. I’m Jenny Flex.”
James Bond: “Of course you are.”
Sir Godfrey Tibbett: “Another wealthy owner?”
James Bond: “Who knows. But she certainly bears closer inspection.”
James Bond: “May Day where have you been? I have been waiting for you to take care of me personally.”
James Bond: “Good morning.”
Max Zorin: “Good morning.”
James Bond: “I understand you wish to see me.”
Max Zorin: “You slept well?”
James Bond: “A little restless, but I got off eventually.”
May Day: “Wow! What a view!”
Max Zorin: “To a kill!”
[Bond and Pola are in a hot tub, while classical music plays in the background]
Pola Ivanova: “Ooh!”
James Bond: “Are you alright?”
Pola Ivanova: “The bubbles tickle my…Tchaikovsky!”
Police Captain: “You’re under arrest.”
Stacey Sutton: “Wait a minute, this is James Stock of the London Financial Times.”
James Bond: “Well actually, Captain, I’m with the British Secret Service. The name is Bond. James Bond.”
Police Captain: “Is he?”
Stacey Sutton: “Are you?”
James Bond: “Yes.”
Police Captain: “And I’m Dick Tracy and you’re still under arrest.”
James Bond: “I have to get down and defuse that detonator.”
May Day: “You can’t. The timer’s been booby trapped. If you tamper with it we are going to blow up.”
Max Zorin: “This will hurt him more than it will hurt me! Haha! Haha! Haha!”
Q: “Hello?”
M: “Grandfather calling Q. What’s your position”
Q: “007 alive.”
M: “Where is he? What’s he doing?”
Q: “Just cleaning up a few details.”
Stacey Sutton: “Ooh James! Mmmmmm…haha!”
James Bond: “Haha, oooh!”