Emile Locque’s identigraph image is altered according to Bond’s whimsical fruit quip from For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Melina Havelock (Carole Bouquet) in For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Don’t mess with Melina Havelock!
The look on Havelock’s face is pretty memorable after her parents are killed in For Your Eyes Only (1981). Is she technically breaking the “fourth wall”?

Bunky (Paul Brooke) loses a big hand of baccarat to James Bond (Roger Moore) after originally being confident in his hand in For Your Eyes Only (1981)
It was humorous (ironic?) to have a cross-eyed character play baccarat with James Bond in For Your Eyes Only, and his appearance slightly reminded me of the “Looks Good To Me” meme.

Janet Brown as Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and her husband Denis Thatcher (played by John Wells) in For Your Eyes Only (1981)

“That’s putting it mildly, 007.”
– Desmond Llewelyn as Q in For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Bond’s mission briefing for Operation Undertow in For Your Eyes Only (1981)
Do you remember the country where Bond was sent to investigate the assassin Hector Gonzalez?
Read More»James Bond beats the hockey baddies in For Your Eyes Only (1981)
…or end up like this:
Jeez…perhaps the most brutal death in all of the James Bond movies!
In For Your Eyes Only (1981), Bond and Q look up baddie Emile Locque’s information in Q Branch’s database and get a gist of his criminal history. Alongside that, they get poor grammar, some bizarre and unnecessary abbreviations and a misspelling (“biblography” – which I guess should be “bibliography” as it is spelled at the bottom, but Locque’s profile has nothing to do with books…).
I guess it can be chalked up to the primitive nature of computers at the time (1981), but the look on Q’s face right after they read the information may indicate that Q realizes it “hasn’t been perfected yet.” 🙂