A gazing Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen) yearns for their love.

“Why can’t I have that?”

“Your gun is digging in to my hip.”

He cries…in blood.

Worst. Valentine’s Day. Ever.

James Bond (Sean Connery) and…Arnold Palmer?! survey the fairway in Goldfinger (1964)
Some more Photoshop fun…as Hawker (played by Gerry Duggan) jokes to James Bond of Goldfinger’s luck in finding his own golf ball – “If that’s his original ball, I’m Arnold Palmer.”
CHeck out the original screenshot from the movie after the jump.
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A faceswap of James Bond (Sean Connery) and Oddjob (Harold Sakata) from Goldfinger (1964)
Fun with faceswap from Goldfinger (1964)…more to come!
Check out the original image after the jump!
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Professor X in the “Perfection” meme prefers the *real* James Bond 007.
LOL…those that have watched Casino Royale (1967) will understand this meme!

Timothy Dalton and Daniel Craig side by side as James Bond
Anyone else creeped out by these Bonds’ faces side by side?!

The Daily Struggle meme takes on the James Bond movies