The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Richard Kiel as Jaws in The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Up close and personal

Sir Roger Moore and Richard Kiel in The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Keeping the British end up, sir…

This all=time one-liner at the end of The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) gets me every time. As Bond (Roger Moore) and Triple X (Barbara Bach) are caught in the act in an escape pod, a stunned General Gogol (Triple X’s boss), M (Bond’s boss) and Sir Frederick Gray (Bond’s boss’s boss) can’t believe their eyes.

The exchange is legendary: “Bond!” “Tri-PULL X!” “Bond! What do you think you’re doing?” make the men sound more like disappointed parental figures rather than government intelligence. A speechless Q can only watch in awe, almost jaw-dropped.

And then 007 quickly quips a legendary James Bond line of lore. It ends with a celebratory-sounding chorus line version of the movie’s theme, declaring “nobody does it better” in a hilarious double entendre. HA! So awesome!

The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) - Keeping the British end up, sir...