Live! From television city in Hollywood! Barry Nelson! Peter Lorre! Linda Christian! Starring in tonight’s production of: Climax! A great new hour long dramatic series from Hollywood! Ladies and gentlemen, your host, William Lundigan!
Good evening. This doesn’t look dangerous, does it? But it’s killed plenty of men and women. It’s made beggars of many and millionaires of a few, mighty few. In French gambling casinos, this is called a shoe. It holds the cards for baccarat – king of gambling games – and its purpose is to make sure that no one can pull any funny business, like dealing from the bottom. The game to be played tonight is for the highest stakes of all. A man is going to wager his life. Climax presents Casino Royale, from the best-seller by Ian Fleming. Stars Barry Nelson, Peter Lorre, and Linda Christian. And now, Casino Royale.
What happened sir, are you hurt?
Nah. Still in one piece, but I wouldn’t know how.
You best be lucky they miss. They try to rob you, sir.
They tried to kill me. Well, I’ll never catch them now.
If you would please come into the office, sir.
What was all the racket? Someone taking potshots?
What? Oh, I wouldn’t know. Yes, someone was shooting.
The casino is full of apologies, Mister Bond. Such an act is beyond explanation. You had not begun to play, so it was not your winnings they were after.
Yeah, and it wasn’t my autograph either.
Well, you have our assurance – casino police will be at your disposal whenever you feel you need protection.
Thanks, thanks. That’s, that’s very comforting. Look, uh, would you get me some chips?
Why certainly, Mr. Bond.
Seven at the bank. And three. The bank is half a million francs.
Half a million? I beg your pardon but how much is that?
Oh, that’s about, um, $1500 that’s, uh, 500 pounds your British money.
Banco suivi.
You know, this game fascinates me but I just can’t get the hang of it.
Well, it’s like any game, you win or you lose.
No cards.
Oh, fine.
Eight at the bank. And a six.
He lost.
Aren’t you the fella who was shot?
No, I’m the fella who was missed. You happen to see it?
No, I just heard about it.
Bank of one million.
Banco, now what’s that mean?
I’ve matched the bank.
For the million?
Nine at the table. And baccarat.
Well, it looks like you’re as lucky as they say.
Oh, you’re a legend old boy – Card Sense Jimmy Bond they call you. I knew you right away.
I didn’t know I had that much of a reputation.
Oh my dear fellow – look here – how about you give me the lowdown how to play – over a drink? Oh, I’m very sorry, my name’s Clarence Leiter.
Clarence, sure. What have I got to lose?
Do you ever lose old boy? Bar’s over there – lead on!
Monsieur Le Chiffre, the bank is open.
Very lucky, your Mister Bond.
And very handsome. Tell me – has he changed much since the dates when you two were…
He looks just the same.
You want me to talk with him now?
Plenty of time. I’ll tell you when.
Good evening, gentlemen.
Yes, water.
Two scotch – one water, one soda.
And bring a deck of cards.
Yes, sir.
You know, I’ve seen you before. I watched you play at Deauville when you cleaned up the maharaja of…what was his name? That was baccarat, wasn’t it?
You know, it must be a fascinating game, but to me it’s as baffling as American football.
Well, it’s very…it’s a lot like 21. It’s mostly luck, anyway.
You were lucky tonight to escape those shots. Light? It looks like Le Chiffre is onto you.
I wondered when you’d show up.
I was on my way out to wait for you at the hotel. I’m attached to Station S, British Secret Service. We’re working in conjunction with the Deuxieme bureau and your own chaps have combined intelligence agency in Washington.
Oh, that seems that we have a, um, good many friends in common.
Yes, doesn’t it? Oh.
Cards, please.
Oh, and, um, keep the change.
Thank you, sir.
Ok, go ahead, Leiter.
No, you go ahead. You explain baccarat and I’ll explain your job here.
One player buys the bank. He puts up all the money, everybody plays against him. They can play for part of it, or all of it. Now to bet against the whole bank, you go: “Banco!” Like I did, just now.
You know you’re here to deal with Herr Ziffer, Le Chiffre, he’s the same fellow.
Deal with…you mean kill him?
You won’t have to, he’ll die anyway…if you play your cards right. Have you ever seen Le Chiffre?
Go on explaining the game.
Well you each get two cards, the banker and the dealer. Picture cards and tens count nothing. The other cards carry their own face value.
Le Chiffre is the toad-like creature playing at the table in there. He’s the chief Soviet agent for this area controlled through Leningrad Section Three through Paris. And he’s the most dangerous man they’ve ever had. You can look now.
He’s a fanatic. He’s ruthless, incorruptible and everything he does is entirely legal. But he has a weak spot. And that’s how you got into it.
Oh, now you see, the object of the game is to get as near nine as possible. Say I got an ace and a two. That’s three. Not enough. I ask for another card, I draw a six. That makes nine in all. Now if the banker has nine as well, it’s a tie. Otherwise, we start all over again.
That’s ingenius, nearest to nine, eh?
Yes. Alright, I don’t kill Le Chiffre. What do I do to him?
His weak spot is gambling. You’re going to play baccarat with him and your job is to clean him out.
For what reason?
To destroy him. He’s been gambling with Soviet funds and he’s lost eighty million francs. Now he’s going to try and get it back by gambling high. He’s bought the bank for tomorrow night with the last funds of the treasury of his party. He has twenty six million with which to win back the eighty he needs.
Soviet Police know about his gambling?
They got wind of it. And that’s one reason why he’s planning to play high tomorrow night. Now if he should win back that eighty million maybe he can brazen it out, but if you’ve won and he hasn’t…
Then what?
We’ll see that the story hits the newspapers with photostats of his bank statements, all the dope. French Communist Party will lose face with a very dull thud and we’ll have acclomplished our aim, we’ll be rid of Le Chiffre.
Uh, now you, ya know you, each all allowed draw only one card. Alright, what else.
You will have twenty six million francs. The same as he has. I’ll pick it up for you from the casino cashier and give it to you tomorrow night.
Ah, that’s hardly a safe margin
You’ve won on less. So you play tomorrow night. And meanwhile, watch your step. They could kill you. They’ve already tried.
What um… What else do I need to know about him?
He’s tough. He’s good with a gun. Carries three razor blades for slashing purposes. There’s one in his hat band. There’s one in the heel of his left shoe. One in his cigarette case. He always has three armed guards with him. They’re with him now. You can look.
Do you see them? The big fella with the blond hair – that’s Basil. The fella who looks like a basset hound – the one who walked past just now – that’s Zoltan. There’s a third character there – he’s the thin dark fellow – see him? Name of Zuroff. They’re in it as deep as he is so be very careful of them.
Oh, incidentally – the whole bunch of them are in the suite right above yours at the hotel.
Ah, well then that’s who bugged my room.
Bugged? Oh microphone you mean, yes I think I have got it. Could be a four or a five, nearest to…
Mr. Bond. Don’t you remember me? Valerie. Valerie Mathis. We met in a casino at the alley.
Yes, of course. You were my lucky charm. While you were there I couldn’t lose. Oh, uh, this is Mister Clarence Leiter. Miss Mathis.
How do you do?
I was just teaching Mr. Leiter how to play baccarat.
I saw you.
I think I’ve learned it like a book perhaps I could try it out tonight.
Oh, well alright but don’t blame me.
Well it’s nice to have met you, Ms. Mathis. You wouldn’t care to be my lucky charm?
I’d love it but I must return to the hotel.
Oh, me too.
Then perhaps we can go together.
Well if you don’t mind going through a barrage of bullets. Right now I’m not a very good risk.
So it was you those men were shooting at. But why?
Maybe they needed the practice. Let’s go. Good luck, uh, Leiter.
And to you. Tomorrow.
Pardon, Mister Le Chiffre. You reserved the bank for tomorrow night. You still want it?
Tomorrow, yes.
Entendez, monsieur.
Good night.
The fifth floor, sir.
Yes, you said you were on the sixth. I’ll see you to your room.
I’d rather see you to yours.
Well, why would I argue with that.
Down, please.
Did you expect your room to be searched?
No, I don’t know what anyone would find, it’s just, you can’t be too careful.
You live dangerously.
Dangerously? Gambling?
Depends on how and where.
That’s for old times sake. This is for now.
Le Chiffre sent you to me, didn’t he? Don’t deny it I know you’re with him. He told you to come to my room. Because of the microphone!
In the fireplace, with Le Chiffre listening just above?
What are you talking about?
You mean he didn’t tell you about the mic? The wires go through the chimney to his room just above here?
I didn’t know!
Let me look at you. You can’t lie to me, you never could.
I didn’t know! When was it fixed?
Today. While I was out.
To listen to you?
If you didn’t know about it, to listen to you. He sent you here but he doesn’t trust you. He wants to be sure that you ask the things he said.
Jimmy, listen to me…
I’m going to. And so is he. You’re going to tell me those things right now. Word for word. But who’s fooling who? Eh?
Jimmy, don’t turn down the music.
Well, that’s better! A little Chopin isn’t it? Now, you were saying Valerie?
Jimmy. You used to love me. I loved you too.
So you haven’t written in a year!
There were reasons why I couldn’t.
So what do you want to do now? Pickup where you left off?
I’ve come to say you mustn’t play against Le Chiffre.
Oh, so you know that, do you?
I’m begging you not to, Jimmy, you’re a member of combined intelligence who fronts as a gambler, he’ll kill you!
She plays her part good.
So you know that too, do you?
If you don’t think of yourself, think of me. I did love you. I still do. Would I be begging you not to play if I didn’t?
You might.
So please, please go to Paris while your safe. If you ever loved me…
Maybe I didn’t.
Yes, there’s that of course.
You know, women can lie as well as men. Is that, uh, all you want to say? Go ahead, speak up.
That’s all I’m going to, I’m…
Valerie, wait. Maybe I did love you once.
But not now.
I’ll, um, I’ll see you to the elevator.
Ah! Music lover.
Oh that, uh, was quite an act.
Not all of it.
Which part of it was true?
That Le Chiffre will kill you.
He will kill you.
Well you’ve done your job well, Valerie. I hope he pays you well.
Jimmy, I still love you. But Le Chiffre will kill you.
Well you can tell your employer he’s wasting his time! I got…
Sixth floor, I guess. For the lady.
Come in! Come in, beautiful. Well? Why the tears?
I’ve done my job now I’m going to my room.
You stay here. Turn it on again. You see Valerie we have a microphone in Bond’s room. You were once so close to him I just want to make sure about your present feelings. Oh, but you came through magnificently. Any suspicions I might have had, were quite unfounded.
I did all you asked.
Admirably. Perhaps, uh, perhaps even a little more.
What do you mean?
Nothing, I was just wondering how your lipstick got smudged. Oh I, I have no objections to you being kissed by a man you once loved, but uh, does open up an interesting angle of speculation which is, um. Does he still love you?
You said you heard!
Yes, but I couldn’t see and you could.
How does it matter?
Well it could matter very much.
Bond and I on opposite sides of the fence.
Hello, uh would you get me the casino please, the chef de partie.
Hello. It’s James Bond.
Look, uh, what you said about the police. I’d like them to keep close watch on me until after tomorrow night’s game.
I will give instructions immediately, Mister Bond.
Thanks, goodnight.
Goodnight, Mister Bond.
So many, so many ways. Always been able to protect myself. Now they choose Mister Bond to take me on and, and your Mister Bond is very lucky and, and Mister Bond has card sense and I don’t like it. Tell me, uh, does he still love you, Valerie?
Of course he doesn’t. Not now.
Because you see, tomorrow…tomorrow night I have to win. I have to have eighty million francs and no one is going to stand in my way. You hear? No one.
Good evening, Mister Leiter.
Good evening.
432, please. In Dieppe. Hello, hello Mister Rudy, please. Hello, Mister Rudy this is Leiter speaking. I just wanted to make sure that you had that story written. Yes, it’ll be later this evening, Will you be there when I call? No, I don’t know what time. The game might go on quite late, it’s very hard to tell. Yes, I wish you would I’d rather handle it yourself. The story should be in the Paris newspapers at the same time, don’t you think? Oh good, good. Yes, now all we’ve got to do is hope that he wins. Yes, yes I will and thank you very much I’ll ring you as soon as I have definite news. Goodbye.
Mister Leiter. That money you have. Would you kindly put it on the table? I believe it to be 26 million francs. We want it.
That makes it very awkward. Because I want it too.
You have exactly ten seconds to do as I say.
Excuse me, Mister Leiter.
It’s quite all right, thank you. I think the call’s for me in any case, oh just a moment. Will you do me a kind favor? Will you take this money to the cashier, tell him to hold it for Mister Bond who will pick it up later this evening?
Why certainly, Mister Leiter.
Thank you, very much. Why don’t you pick it up? It might be for you!
Twenty-six million francs. Correct sir?
That’s correct.
Yes, sir.
Well, Leiter. How’d you make out last night at, uh, baccarat?
I lost my shirt. Maybe you’re a bad teacher. Cigarette? Good luck. And make sure you clean him out.
Thanks. Sorry you lost your shirt.
Good evening, Mister Bond. I’d like you to meet an old friend of mine. James Bond – Herr Ziffer.
I’ve always heard of you as, uh, Le Chiffre.
Well that’s the same, you see, it’s a nickname of mine. After the war I was a displaced person, just a number on a passport. Le Chiffre means a mere cipher. Seemed a suitable name.
May I say you are a very important cipher.
You flatter me sir. Ah, we play tonight, huh? Good luck.
Thanks. To you.
Excuse me, beautiful.
I’ll get you the stakes for you, Mr. Bond.
Good evening.
Oh, Lord Daniels.
Mister Bond, you’re wanted on the telephone.
Oh, thanks. Excuse me.
Will you pardon me, sir.
Hello? This is Bond.
Yes, Mister Bond. This is a friend.
Mister Bond – it may be that you still have a certain attachment for a young woman by the name of Valerie Mathis. You should know, if you win tonight, she will lose. All nothing more important than her life.
This, uh, young lady is part of your own organization? Why should it concern me if she dies?
Perhaps it does not. But the fact is still indisputable. If you win, she will lose her life. Pardon me for interrupting your game, I only wish to pass on the warning. Goodbye.
Pardon me have you finished with that phone?
Keep an eye on that girl, Valerie Mathis. Keep an eye on her.
Thank you, very much. Thank you.
Cigarette, Valerie?
No, thank you.
The game is baccarat. Ladies and gentlemen, a bank of one million franc.
The bank is one million francs.
Banco. No card.
Nine at the bank. And seven.
The bank of two million francs.
Banco suivi. Card.
Seven at the bank. And four.
Bank of four million francs.
Nine at the table. Baccarat.
A bank of two million francs.
Seven at the bank. And five. A bank of four million francs.
Banco suivi.
Nine at the bank. And seven. Bank of eight million francs.
Banco suivi. Card.
Six at the bank. And three. Bank of sixteen million.
Banco suivi. No.
Nine at the bank. And seven.
You have beaten him. It was the last of his money.
I need eighty.
You won’t lose tonight.
A bank of thirty-two million francs.
This is for you, Mister Bond.
A bank of thirty-two million francs. A bank of thirty-two million francs? Ladies and gentlemen. A bank of thirty-two million francs.
Banco suivi.
Please wait, your pardon, Mister Bond. The sum is so big, I will have to count the amount.
Alright, go on. Count it.
The game continues.
Excuse me, Mister Bond.
Ladies and gentlemen, a banco of thirty-two million francs.
Three at the bank. And four.
You lost.
You lost a fortune.
Oh, I still have twenty-three.
But, now he can afford to lose.
I may win.
Sir, the bank is broke.
Continue. Just a moment.
A bank of twenty-three million francs.
Nine at the table. Baccarat.
My cane is in your back. But it is a gun, not a cane. And can blow the space of your spine without a sound. You will appear to have fainted. I shall be gone. Before I count ten, you will accompany me to the office and give me the money. If you call for help, I shall fire. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.
What happened?
It’s alright.
Listen sir, I don’t know.
Listen go tell Le Chiffre, will you? Yes.
What happened to Miss Mathis?
Miss Mathis was standing right there beside Monsieur Le Chiffre just a minute ago. Is this your cane, sir?
Thank god.
Yes, they are.
Bond I just heard the news, great show!
Yeah thirty-five millions earned the trick. Where’s Mathis?
I don’t know I lost sight of her in the excitement.
Wait, wait.
Look, I even followed her to the cashier’s when she went to get that money for you.
When she went to get the? You mean that thirty-five came from her?
Every penny of it, every penny of it. I don’t know where she went…
Wait a minute.
Oh, Mister Bond, the chips have been counted. Eighty-seven million francs in order.
I’ve made it out to as a check if you stay for…
Thirty-five of it belongs to Miss Mathis – where is she?
Oh, I think she’s left the casino, sir.
I don’t know.
Look – the terrace, the bar, everwhere!
Yes, and don’t forget to put that check somewhere safe!
Sure. You put this in Scotland Yard’s black museum.
Oh, where did you get this?
Mister Bond’s cane, shall I check it, sir?
No, thank you. Have you seen Miss Mathis?
No. Say everybody is asking me about Miss Mathis. She must be a very popular young lady.
Oh is she? Who else was asking for her?
Mister Bond asked for her.
I know about him, anyone else?
Mister Le Chiffre too.
Oh he did, did he?
Well, you know he was a heavy loser, so perhaps he needed a young lady’s sympathy.
Yes, it could be. Well, thanks anyway.
Miss Mathis! Excuse me. Miss Mathis!
Miss Mathis! Oh I, I am sorry. Forgive me.
Where is Miss Mathis?
Pardon, sir?
I said where is Miss Mathis? This gun is completely silent, I suppose.
Where is Miss Mathis?
She has left the table.
Then where is Le Chiffre?
Sir, I…
Where is Le Chiffre?
I don’t know who you are and why you are questioning me. But I know that Le Chiffre went back to the hotel.
Operator! Operator! Operator!
I did not bring the young lady up, sir. But of course, there are other elevators.
Sure, sure.
Six, sir. The old lady’s number is sixty-five.
Alright, thanks.
Hello, hello! Ring James Bond at his hotel for me, will you?
Hello, Jimmy. Jimmy, it’s Leiter. Have you hidden that check yet?
What? No, I was looking for Valerie, did you find her?
No, I haven’t yet, but Le Chiffre is on his way across there, maybe just to pick up his bags, I wouldn’t know. But, while that check’s still around your still hot.
Alright, I’ll take care of it right now. You keep after Valerie.
Hello. Leiter?
No, Mister Bond, I am speaking for Le Chiffre. I told you before if you win, Miss Mathis will lose. But Le Chiffre will give you both one more chance. Miss Mathis will live in exchange for the check.
Oh, you, uh, you have Miss Mathis, is that it?
Will you pass over that check?
Nah, I don’t think so.
Le Chiffre is with Miss Mathis.
Stand still, Mister Bond. I said stand still! Close the door and put on the lights. Well it, it seems we have a few points of mutual interest to discuss, huh? Such as, uh, such as that check for eighty-seven million francs. Money which was partly supplied by the French Secret Service. Through its agent our little friend, Valerie. Yes, haha. Valerie Mathis, agent of the Deuxieme Bureau. Oh, I only found that out today. Of course, you would have died if once but I thought I, I hold the threat of your life over this, uh, American. Not that he seemed to care, he, he still put his job first.
He had to.
Maybe. Maybe in any case it was a mistake. If I would have known that the French had supplied you with funds in case you needed more money.
Valerie. Valerie, why didn’t you tell me you were with the French?
Oh, I, I think I can answer that. Oh as you most certainly know, Mister Bond. No secret agent can ever be quite sure what another agent isn’t working for the other side. Although I, I always thought that mutual love means mutual trust.
Do you love me, Jimmy?
Haha, he is much too sensible to answer that. In any case, neither of you wants the other to be heard, huh? Very comfortable considering the fact that I, that I want that check for eighty-seven million francs. Yes, Mister Bond, you have almost destroyed me. You’ve almost succeeded. In fact, my life depends upon finding that check. So, by the way, does yours.
Well? Oh, Basil we are so clumsy I, I just asked you to hit him. I didn’t ask you to hit him so hard. Thanks! Easy, not so hard! Ha. Tough man, huh? Very tough. Well if he fights again, hit him again, huh? But please, only a little at a time. Now, Mister Bond, as you might have noticed, we, we are very serious people. Your good health is of no concern to us, whatsoever. Answer that. Pick him up. And just in case you get ambitious, Mister Bond, believe me.
Hello? Jimmy? Can you hear me? It’s Leiter again. Have you found Valerie yet?
Yes, yes. She’s here.
Oh, good then everything’s fine, eh? Ah, has Le Chiffre run for it yet?
Well, I don’t think so.
Oh, he will. I’m getting out of the papers giving them the whole story. So I’ll say goodnight.
Yes, what is it?
Nothing, it’s okay. I’m sorry you lost your shirt.
Oh, you’re a pal. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.
Maybe. Maybe he’ll talk to you tomorrow. But only if you have given us that check!
Took me long enough to win it. Take you longer to get it back.
I don’t think so. I honestly don’t think so. It’s about time we stopped joking, huh? I, I think he’s ready for the bathtub.
Oh, pardon me, beautiful I, I didn’t mean to neglect you, no. Who knows, maybe, maybe you can persuade him, huh? Haha. Basil! Hey Basil! Take her in. Uh, but if she screams, at her first scream, he’s dead.
Alright, Mister Bond. Where is that money? Look, Mister Bond, as you should know by now I, I’m quite without mercy and if you continue to be that obstinate I, I’ll have to torture, you’ll be tortured to the edge of madness! Believe me! You have no hope, whatsoever. You hear? None! Nor has she.
You’re an ugly little man. Why don’t you stop talking?
Alright. See this tool, Mister Bond? It’s very handy little tool, serves all sorts of purposes. Oh, um, my little friend you remember, the one that had a gun that passed for a cane? Oh, he was an expert with these. Mmm. Unfortunately, he’s gone, but, uh, I’ve learned a few of his tricks. Now, Mister Bond, are you going to tell me where that check is? You won’t, huh? Alright. I think I know how to make you deal.
Excruciating, huh? Look, Mister Bond, if you, if you continue like this I, I have to start on poor Valerie. You leave me no choice. I, I cannot let you destroy me.
I’ve already destroyed you.
You think so, huh?
I’m no hero, I don’t like pain. But I can tell you one thing right now. You won’t get anything out of me. Pain and killing’s part of my job.
And of mine too, Mister Bond.
Oh, I bet you love it!
How did you find that out, huh? Haha oh you’re an obstinate man, Mister Bond. For I, I think I think you’ve had enough, huh? Where’s that money?
What’s the difference? It’s a check. The police’ll trace it to you.
Oh, please please don’t worry about that. That’s very easy, you see, the story will be that after our little game at the casino we met and you, being such a good sportsman, you turned it over to me. You lost, so therefore you signed the check over to me, huh? That simple, huh? Now where’s that money?
Where is it? I know you’ve hidden it. Hidden it somewhere here in this suite. We searched it but you’re very clever. Now where is it? Alright. Oh, uh, Zuroff. You better go downstairs because, uh, you see Mister Leiter might arrive and, uh, quite certain he’ll be very upset if he sees his friend after we are finished with him. Go ahead, Basil, and, and this time you don’t have to restrain yourself.
Stop! Stop! I’ll tell.
No, she doesn’t know.
Where is it?
I know something. When I came in I saw he was holding a screwdriver.
Oh, Valerie! Shut up!
Screw driver? Where could he use a screw driver? Where? Where could he use a screw-? Where did you use it?
Find it yourself.
Alright. Alright. Have it your way then, Mister Bond. We have searched your rooms now we are going to take them apart. And if I don’t find it, we’ll take you apart! Both of you!
I’m sorry. I couldn’t help it I couldn’t stand what they were doing to you. Darling, you’re very brave, I couldn’t be. Not like that.
Can they, can they see us?
Keep watching. Warn me if they move. No, talk. Keep talking. Talk.
Whatever happens, I want you to know that I’ve always had one memory. And I’ll always have one desire – to go away somewhere with you. Somewhere quiet. Where we used to go. Where there’s fields and hills. Do you remember? It seems long ago. I thought, I thought I’d never seen anything so beautiful and peaceful. And the warm, sweet scent of cut hay. To lie in the fields and look up at the sky. And it would be nothing but laughter and, and love. And the way it was. Oh, Jimmy. Did you ever?
The door, I, I remember door was open. On the outside. Try the number plate.
Hey! Haha. Here it is, we found it! Thank you, Mister Bond!
Le Chiffre!
Can I, can I have some water?
Oh, yes, oh ha-hmm. With pleasure! Basil give him all the water he wants. Get me some water too.
Ha-hmm. Uh, Basil. Hey. Hey, Basil! What’s the matter? Huh?
That’s far enough! Sit down.
Are you gonna kill him, Jimmy?
Yes, why don’t you, huh? Haha. Be fair, Mister Bond, it’s all in the game. We, we are both gamblers and I’ve lost.
Give me the check.
Go on, call the police.