Do you know how angry I am at myself?
Agent Strawberry Fields (Gemma Arterton) from Quantum Of Solace (2008) is underrated. Not only is she sexy, I was initially sold on her insistence that she wasn’t going to fall into James Bond’s (Daniel Craig) clutches. But alas, as we see in this scene, she even surprised herself in her collapse at the hands of Bond’s charm. There was definitely something about her short, red hair, fair skin and overcoat that was seriously attractive.
In fact, I think I would have preferred her as the main Bond girl in QOS. Camille’s character and story line was far less compelling and the Fields/Bond chemistry was much more believable and enjoyable. A Fields/Bond quest to topple Dominic Greene’s empire could’ve been a good plot.
However, if that was the case, we also would’ve missed out on Fields’ throwback (and gross) demise: covered with thick, black oil in Bond’s bed – it was a jarring death!

James Bond (Daniel Craig) seduces Strawbery Fields (Gemma Arterton) in Quantum Of Solace (2008)