
1980 Lotus Esprit Turbo
Plate #: OPW 654W
In Greece, Bond is issued this car while investigating the killing of marine archaeologist Timothy Havelock, who was searching for the missing ATAC device. The car comes equipped with an explosive security system.

1981 Citroen 2CV
Plate #: M-1026-A
After Bond’s anti-theft system blew up his Lotus, Bond has to rely on Milena Havelock’s tiny Citroen 2CV to continue their escape through olive fields and winding roads.

1981 Lotus Esprit Turbo
Plate #: OPW 678W
Bond is reissued a year-newer model of the Lotus Esprit after his previous one explodes. This red one is only used to transport skis and get Bond to the skating rink.

For Your Eyes Only is where we see the identigraph in action. After Bond gave Q an accurate description of Locque, he matched up the face to several secret service files around the world.
For Your Eyes Only is where we see the identigraph in action. After Bond gave Q an accurate description of Locque, he matched up the face to several secret service files around the world.

Seiko Contact Watch
This watch gives Bond the ability to receive texts and voice messages from MI6. At the end of the movie, he sees it as “for the birds,” however, and more pressing matters with Bond girl Melina Havelock take precedence.
This watch gives Bond the ability to receive texts and voice messages from MI6. At the end of the movie, he sees it as “for the birds,” however, and more pressing matters with Bond girl Melina Havelock take precedence.
Movie Gadgets

Automatic Targeting Attack Communicator (ATAC)
The ATAC was the decoding device that the plot revolved around. Both Kristatos and Bond were trying to retrieve it because of how vital it was to British National Security in regards to their submarine fleet.
The ATAC was the decoding device that the plot revolved around. Both Kristatos and Bond were trying to retrieve it because of how vital it was to British National Security in regards to their submarine fleet.

Arm Cast Puncher
This background gadget seen at Q’s lab is a danger to those standing next to the wearer.
This background gadget seen at Q’s lab is a danger to those standing next to the wearer.

Candle Recorder
A recording device is hidden in a candle’s base at a dinner between Bond and Kristatos. The recording is used by Colombo as leverage and a thread to Bond. Luckily for 007, they eventually join forces to defeat Kristatos and recover the ATAC.
A recording device is hidden in a candle’s base at a dinner between Bond and Kristatos. The recording is used by Colombo as leverage and a thread to Bond. Luckily for 007, they eventually join forces to defeat Kristatos and recover the ATAC.

Deadly Headphones
Blofeld incapacitates the pilot of the Universal Exports helicopter carrying Bond by sending the pilot a shock. Blofeld then takes over all of the controls in a memorable pre-title sequence, but eventually meets his maker at Bond’s hand.
Blofeld incapacitates the pilot of the Universal Exports helicopter carrying Bond by sending the pilot a shock. Blofeld then takes over all of the controls in a memorable pre-title sequence, but eventually meets his maker at Bond’s hand.

Umbrella Spikes
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a great assassination device. When you try shield yourself from the rain using the umbrella, it quickly snaps shut, sending metallic spikes to the user’s neck and ensuring their certain death.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a great assassination device. When you try shield yourself from the rain using the umbrella, it quickly snaps shut, sending metallic spikes to the user’s neck and ensuring their certain death.

Snake Charmer’s Rope Pole
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab may assist in allowing an undercover agent (posed as a snake charmer I guess?) to escape or climb vertically when needed.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab may assist in allowing an undercover agent (posed as a snake charmer I guess?) to escape or climb vertically when needed.

Q and Bond use this gadget at Q branch to identify Emile Locque by inputting Locque’s facial features, nose size (not a banana), glasses shape and more.
Q and Bond use this gadget at Q branch to identify Emile Locque by inputting Locque’s facial features, nose size (not a banana), glasses shape and more.