Movie Gadgets
Casino Royale (TV – 1954)

Cane Gun
Le Chiffre’s henchman Zoltan presses this weapon against Bond’s back after Bond defeats Le Chiffre at a high-stakes baccarat game. He threatens to blow away Bond’s spine without a sound, unless he accompanies him to an office to give back Le Chiffre’s money.
Le Chiffre’s henchman Zoltan presses this weapon against Bond’s back after Bond defeats Le Chiffre at a high-stakes baccarat game. He threatens to blow away Bond’s spine without a sound, unless he accompanies him to an office to give back Le Chiffre’s money.
Dr. No (1962)

Metallic Hands
Dr. No’s strong metallic hands were put in place after an accident during radioactive testing.
Dr. No’s strong metallic hands were put in place after an accident during radioactive testing.
From Russia With Love (1963)

Grant’s Watch Garrote
Red Grant uses strangulation wire hidden in his watch during the exercise to kill James Bond in the beginning of the movie.
Red Grant uses strangulation wire hidden in his watch during the exercise to kill James Bond in the beginning of the movie.

Klebb’s Poison Shoe Knife
Rosa Klebb uses this SPECTRE special weapon to try and assassinate Bond. Bond subdues her with a chair and is eventually shot to death by Romanova.
Rosa Klebb uses this SPECTRE special weapon to try and assassinate Bond. Bond subdues her with a chair and is eventually shot to death by Romanova.
Goldfinger (1964)

Parking Meter Smoke Bomb
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab fills up a test room with smoke.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab fills up a test room with smoke.

Extreme Bulletproof Vest
This background gadget seen at Q’s lab, although “not perfected yet,” seems to protect the wearer from almost point-blank gunshots, even from an automatic weapon.
This background gadget seen at Q’s lab, although “not perfected yet,” seems to protect the wearer from almost point-blank gunshots, even from an automatic weapon.

Oddjob’s Bowler Hat
The quiet Oddjob’s small stature is deceiving, as he makes up for it in brute strength (crushing a golf ball by hand) and by using this bowler hat (which is lined with a razor sharp edge) as a throwing weapon.
The quiet Oddjob’s small stature is deceiving, as he makes up for it in brute strength (crushing a golf ball by hand) and by using this bowler hat (which is lined with a razor sharp edge) as a throwing weapon.

Goldfinger’s Laser
Goldfinger not only uses this laser to cut through the door of Fort Knox, he also uses it as a torture device on 007, until Bond reveals he knows too much about Operation Grand Slam.
Goldfinger not only uses this laser to cut through the door of Fort Knox, he also uses it as a torture device on 007, until Bond reveals he knows too much about Operation Grand Slam.
You Only Live Twice (1967)

Car Facetime
For 1967, this technology was way ahead of its time. Aki uses this dashboard device inside her Toyota 2000GT to contact her superior, Tanaka.
For 1967, this technology was way ahead of its time. Aki uses this dashboard device inside her Toyota 2000GT to contact her superior, Tanaka.

Lipstick Smoke Bomb
Helga Brandt uses this lipstick bomb while piloting a single-engine plane with Bond on board. She detonates the bomb, restrains Bond with a wooden board and parachutes out of the doomed plane. Too bad for her that Bond eventually escapes the restraints and lands the plane just in time.
Helga Brandt uses this lipstick bomb while piloting a single-engine plane with Bond on board. She detonates the bomb, restrains Bond with a wooden board and parachutes out of the doomed plane. Too bad for her that Bond eventually escapes the restraints and lands the plane just in time.
Casino Royale (1967)

Fishing Pole Radio
A SMERSH operative fishing on a river bank uses this pole gadget to contact control to tell them that Sir James Bond has entered Scotland.
A SMERSH operative fishing on a river bank uses this pole gadget to contact control to tell them that Sir James Bond has entered Scotland.

Bagpipe Radio
This Scottish SMERSH agent takes a break from his bagpipe playing on top of McTarry Castle to inform control that it is completely occupied and that Plan B is moving forward to destroy Bond’s celibate image.
This Scottish SMERSH agent takes a break from his bagpipe playing on top of McTarry Castle to inform control that it is completely occupied and that Plan B is moving forward to destroy Bond’s celibate image.

Explosive Homing Bird Launcher
This launcher operated by SMERSH operatives was designed to launch explosive fake birds that homed in on Sir James Bond via a magnetic homing device on one of his buttons. Sir Bond’s aim with his shotgun and assistance from a turned Lady Fiona McTarry avoid his death by fowl play.
This launcher operated by SMERSH operatives was designed to launch explosive fake birds that homed in on Sir James Bond via a magnetic homing device on one of his buttons. Sir Bond’s aim with his shotgun and assistance from a turned Lady Fiona McTarry avoid his death by fowl play.

Bowler Hat Gun
This bowler hat gun and its functionality is shown as Evelyn Tremble is walked through training, however fails, thus exploding on the inspector’s head.
This bowler hat gun and its functionality is shown as Evelyn Tremble is walked through training, however fails, thus exploding on the inspector’s head.
Diamonds Are Forever (1971)

Electromagnetic RPM Controller
Q uses this ring-like device to win big at the Las Vegas slots.
Q uses this ring-like device to win big at the Las Vegas slots.

Case’s Fingerprint Projector
Tiffany Case uses this fingerprint projector in her closet to compare the fingerprint she lifted off of “Peter Franks” to ensure it matches with the ones she has on file. Bond obviously anticipates this, and is successful in his deception.
Tiffany Case uses this fingerprint projector in her closet to compare the fingerprint she lifted off of “Peter Franks” to ensure it matches with the ones she has on file. Bond obviously anticipates this, and is successful in his deception.
Live And Let Die (1973)

Deadly Scarecrow
Mr. Big uses these carefully-placed camera-eyed scarecrows to monitor his property. They also contain a gun, which was used to target and kill Bond girl Rosie Carver as she attempted to escape.
Mr. Big uses these carefully-placed camera-eyed scarecrows to monitor his property. They also contain a gun, which was used to target and kill Bond girl Rosie Carver as she attempted to escape.

“A Genuine Felix Lighter”
When Bond is picked up by Harold Strutter of the CIA, he wonders where the sound of Felix Leiter’s voice is coming from in the car. It is pointed out to him that the speaker is in the lighter, and Bond quickly quips this pun.
When Bond is picked up by Harold Strutter of the CIA, he wonders where the sound of Felix Leiter’s voice is coming from in the car. It is pointed out to him that the speaker is in the lighter, and Bond quickly quips this pun.

Flute Radio
After playing a few notes and commenting on a beautiful day, Baron Samedi uses this flute radio to notify Mr. Big that Bond and Solitaire are heading for the hill.
After playing a few notes and commenting on a beautiful day, Baron Samedi uses this flute radio to notify Mr. Big that Bond and Solitaire are heading for the hill.

Tee Hee’s Hand Clamp
Tee Hee’s hand clamp is not only used for tossing chicken meat to crocodiles (who originally took his hand in the first place), it’s also almost used to torture Bond by snipping off his fingers. It’s eventually used to Bond’s advantage though, by locking it to a train window so Tee Hee can be tossed off.
Tee Hee’s hand clamp is not only used for tossing chicken meat to crocodiles (who originally took his hand in the first place), it’s also almost used to torture Bond by snipping off his fingers. It’s eventually used to Bond’s advantage though, by locking it to a train window so Tee Hee can be tossed off.

Shock Headphone Plunger
During a meeting at the United Nations, MI6’s Agent Dawes is keeping tabs on Mr. Kananga’s activity, until he is electrocuted via his headphones and this special plunger which sent the deadly shock.
During a meeting at the United Nations, MI6’s Agent Dawes is keeping tabs on Mr. Kananga’s activity, until he is electrocuted via his headphones and this special plunger which sent the deadly shock.
The Man With The Golden Gun (1974)

Scaramanga’s Golden Gun
This collapsible gun is used by Scaramanga in all of his assassinations, which cost one million dollars each.
This collapsible gun is used by Scaramanga in all of his assassinations, which cost one million dollars each.

Solex Agitator
The Solex Agitator was vital in Scaramanga’s evil plan. He used it to focus sunlight to create a laser that he could use to destroy anything he pleased.
The Solex Agitator was vital in Scaramanga’s evil plan. He used it to focus sunlight to create a laser that he could use to destroy anything he pleased.

Goodnight’s Tracking Device
Goodnight attempts to secretly install this tracking device in the trunk of Scaramanga’s car, but is caught and thrown in the trunk herself.
Goodnight attempts to secretly install this tracking device in the trunk of Scaramanga’s car, but is caught and thrown in the trunk herself.

Camera Rocket Launcher
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is an explosive addition to any tripod.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is an explosive addition to any tripod.

Flying AMC Matador
Francisco Scaramanga makes a quick escape with this car retrofitted for flight.
Francisco Scaramanga makes a quick escape with this car retrofitted for flight.
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)

Hookah Gun
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab can quickly change from a deadly smoking device to a deadly shooting device.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab can quickly change from a deadly smoking device to a deadly shooting device.

Metallic Teeth
Jaws’ iconic teeth can rip through thick cables and kill to this henchman’s content. Magnets are their only downfall, of course.
Jaws’ iconic teeth can rip through thick cables and kill to this henchman’s content. Magnets are their only downfall, of course.

Magnetic Metallic Tray
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab can be used as a weapon or a fast way of delivering a food order.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab can be used as a weapon or a fast way of delivering a food order.

Oil Slick Shooter
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab has an unclear purpose, but may just be a test bed for installation in one of Q Branch’s many customized cars.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab has an unclear purpose, but may just be a test bed for installation in one of Q Branch’s many customized cars.

Sidecar Missile
One of Stromberg’s henchman uses this neat add-on to their motorcycle in an attempt to blow up Bond and Triple X in the Lotus Esprit. Bond weaves in and out of traffic to avoid getting hit, however.
One of Stromberg’s henchman uses this neat add-on to their motorcycle in an attempt to blow up Bond and Triple X in the Lotus Esprit. Bond weaves in and out of traffic to avoid getting hit, however.

Ejector Ottoman
This background gadget is seen in Q’s lab and could likely be used as a prank or a shock method to subdue a suspect.
This background gadget is seen in Q’s lab and could likely be used as a prank or a shock method to subdue a suspect.

Stun Cigarette
Triple X uses this cigarette to knock Bond out and briefly escape after their boat docks.
Triple X uses this cigarette to knock Bond out and briefly escape after their boat docks.

Radio Music Box
Triple X uses this radio disguised as a music box on her bedside stand as a means of communicating with her superiors.
Triple X uses this radio disguised as a music box on her bedside stand as a means of communicating with her superiors.

Camel Saddle Puncture Knife
This deadly gadget is seen in Q’s lab while Triple X and Bond walk by. Bond remarks that it would bring tears to the eye of the rider…for sure!
This deadly gadget is seen in Q’s lab while Triple X and Bond walk by. Bond remarks that it would bring tears to the eye of the rider…for sure!
Moonraker (1979)

Explosive Bolas
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab doesn’t only subdue the subject, the balls explode!
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab doesn’t only subdue the subject, the balls explode!

Deadly Diary
Holly Goodhead is found to be an undercover CIA agent after Bond goes through some of her personal items, including this small diary containing a dart projectile.
Holly Goodhead is found to be an undercover CIA agent after Bond goes through some of her personal items, including this small diary containing a dart projectile.

Perfume Flame Thrower
This Dior perfume doubles as a flame thrower, and is a personal item of Holly Goodhead’s that Bond uses to deduce her true identity as a CIA agent.
This Dior perfume doubles as a flame thrower, and is a personal item of Holly Goodhead’s that Bond uses to deduce her true identity as a CIA agent.

Poncho Gatling Gun
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a seemingly sleepy poncho man, but is shown to split in half to reveal a high-powered gatling gun.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a seemingly sleepy poncho man, but is shown to split in half to reveal a high-powered gatling gun.

Laser Gun
This laser gun is seen in both Q’s lab and used extensively in the final space battle of Moonraker.
This laser gun is seen in both Q’s lab and used extensively in the final space battle of Moonraker.

Laser Spacesuit
These spacesuits are fitted with laser guns, which are used in the spectacular end space battle between Drax’s forces and the good guys.
These spacesuits are fitted with laser guns, which are used in the spectacular end space battle between Drax’s forces and the good guys.

Purse Radio
Holly Goodhead’s purse radio is known to Bond as standard CIA issue, and is shown as evidence that Bond knows her true identity as an agent.
Holly Goodhead’s purse radio is known to Bond as standard CIA issue, and is shown as evidence that Bond knows her true identity as an agent.
For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Automatic Targeting Attack Communicator (ATAC)
The ATAC was the decoding device that the plot revolved around. Both Kristatos and Bond were trying to retrieve it because of how vital it was to British National Security in regards to their submarine fleet.
The ATAC was the decoding device that the plot revolved around. Both Kristatos and Bond were trying to retrieve it because of how vital it was to British National Security in regards to their submarine fleet.

Arm Cast Puncher
This background gadget seen at Q’s lab is a danger to those standing next to the wearer.
This background gadget seen at Q’s lab is a danger to those standing next to the wearer.

Candle Recorder
A recording device is hidden in a candle’s base at a dinner between Bond and Kristatos. The recording is used by Colombo as leverage and a thread to Bond. Luckily for 007, they eventually join forces to defeat Kristatos and recover the ATAC.
A recording device is hidden in a candle’s base at a dinner between Bond and Kristatos. The recording is used by Colombo as leverage and a thread to Bond. Luckily for 007, they eventually join forces to defeat Kristatos and recover the ATAC.

Deadly Headphones
Blofeld incapacitates the pilot of the Universal Exports helicopter carrying Bond by sending the pilot a shock. Blofeld then takes over all of the controls in a memorable pre-title sequence, but eventually meets his maker at Bond’s hand.
Blofeld incapacitates the pilot of the Universal Exports helicopter carrying Bond by sending the pilot a shock. Blofeld then takes over all of the controls in a memorable pre-title sequence, but eventually meets his maker at Bond’s hand.

Umbrella Spikes
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a great assassination device. When you try shield yourself from the rain using the umbrella, it quickly snaps shut, sending metallic spikes to the user’s neck and ensuring their certain death.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a great assassination device. When you try shield yourself from the rain using the umbrella, it quickly snaps shut, sending metallic spikes to the user’s neck and ensuring their certain death.

Snake Charmer’s Rope Pole
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab may assist in allowing an undercover agent (posed as a snake charmer I guess?) to escape or climb vertically when needed.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab may assist in allowing an undercover agent (posed as a snake charmer I guess?) to escape or climb vertically when needed.

Q and Bond use this gadget at Q branch to identify Emile Locque by inputting Locque’s facial features, nose size (not a banana), glasses shape and more.
Q and Bond use this gadget at Q branch to identify Emile Locque by inputting Locque’s facial features, nose size (not a banana), glasses shape and more.
Octopussy (1983)

Spiked Door
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a quick way to get rid of visitors. Knock on this deadly spiked door, and it will quickly snap shut to the adjacent wall.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a quick way to get rid of visitors. Knock on this deadly spiked door, and it will quickly snap shut to the adjacent wall.

Yoyo Saw
This terrifying contraption is used by baddies as a nasty deadly weapon.
This terrifying contraption is used by baddies as a nasty deadly weapon.
Never Say Never Again (1983)

Retina Scanner Override
SPECTRE operative Jack Petachi uses this device to scan his surgically modified right eye to bypass the Presidential retina scan needed to replace the dummy warheads with live bombs.
SPECTRE operative Jack Petachi uses this device to scan his surgically modified right eye to bypass the Presidential retina scan needed to replace the dummy warheads with live bombs.

Shark Magnet
Fatima Blush leaves Bond for dead after she attaches this device to his oxygen tank as they scuba dive. It’s not explained how this device actually works, but the mechanical device on the attacking shark may be the answer.
Fatima Blush leaves Bond for dead after she attaches this device to his oxygen tank as they scuba dive. It’s not explained how this device actually works, but the mechanical device on the attacking shark may be the answer.

‘Domination’ Video Game
Bond and Largo play this video game for high-stakes during a charity event at Largo’s casino in the Bahamas. “As the stakes increase, so does the level of pain” – as the game progresses and each player loses life, the joystick electrifies the user until it is too much to handle.
Bond and Largo play this video game for high-stakes during a charity event at Largo’s casino in the Bahamas. “As the stakes increase, so does the level of pain” – as the game progresses and each player loses life, the joystick electrifies the user until it is too much to handle.
A View To A Kill (1985)

Q’s Robot Dog
One of Q’s “toys” that wasn’t quite finished, it would essentially be used as a mobile high-tech spying/video transmitting device.
One of Q’s “toys” that wasn’t quite finished, it would essentially be used as a mobile high-tech spying/video transmitting device.

Recorder Extension
Pola Ivanova uses this recording device and an extension pole to listen in on Zorin’s master plan. Bond eventually recovers the recording tape, after tickling Pola’s Tchaikovsky in a hot tub.
Pola Ivanova uses this recording device and an extension pole to listen in on Zorin’s master plan. Bond eventually recovers the recording tape, after tickling Pola’s Tchaikovsky in a hot tub.

Zorin Entry System Keyboard Camera
Zorin uses this device on his desk to quickly take pictures of Bond and search for a profile on him. A search for 007’s alias, James St. John Smythe, shows that James Bond isn’t who he says he is, and is licensed to kill.
Zorin uses this device on his desk to quickly take pictures of Bond and search for a profile on him. A search for 007’s alias, James St. John Smythe, shows that James Bond isn’t who he says he is, and is licensed to kill.

Zorin’s Jockey Syringe
Zorin uses this syringe built in a rider’s crop to give Bond’s horse an extra dose of energy in an attempt to have him lose control and get hurt.
Zorin uses this syringe built in a rider’s crop to give Bond’s horse an extra dose of energy in an attempt to have him lose control and get hurt.
The Living Daylights (1987)

Boombox Rocket Launcher
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab screams the 1980’s and can be used for obvious explosive purposes.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab screams the 1980’s and can be used for obvious explosive purposes.

Couch Trap
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a humorous way to hide or subdue a person of interest.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a humorous way to hide or subdue a person of interest.

Milk Bottle Bombs
Necros infiltrates Koskov’s safe house compound disguised as a food delivery driver, and uses these awesome bombs to clear a path.
Necros infiltrates Koskov’s safe house compound disguised as a food delivery driver, and uses these awesome bombs to clear a path.
Licence To Kill (1989)

Broom Radio
Q portrays a street sweeper and uses the broom radio to notify Pam Bouvier when Bond leaves Sanchez’s estate.
Q portrays a street sweeper and uses the broom radio to notify Pam Bouvier when Bond leaves Sanchez’s estate.
GoldenEye (1995)

The GoldenEye satellite emits a targeted electromagnetic pulse to Earth, rendering all electronics in a several mile diameter useless. The sync keys and master key for arming and firing the satellite are pictured.
The GoldenEye satellite emits a targeted electromagnetic pulse to Earth, rendering all electronics in a several mile diameter useless. The sync keys and master key for arming and firing the satellite are pictured.

Ejector Chair
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab launches the unlucky user backwards, high in the air. Maybe a good method to assassinate someone out of an office window?
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab launches the unlucky user backwards, high in the air. Maybe a good method to assassinate someone out of an office window?

Foot Cast Rocket Launcher
Q shows off this rocket launcher, showing that being off your feet doesn’t necessarily make you any less destructive.
Q shows off this rocket launcher, showing that being off your feet doesn’t necessarily make you any less destructive.

Inflating Phone Booth Trap
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab would be a good non-lethal means of disarming or subduing a perpetrator for an arrest.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab would be a good non-lethal means of disarming or subduing a perpetrator for an arrest.

Tray X-Ray Document Scanner
Q uses this scanner (disguised as a metal serving tray) to quickly show Bond his flight information, which is hidden inside the envelope.
Q uses this scanner (disguised as a metal serving tray) to quickly show Bond his flight information, which is hidden inside the envelope.
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)

Dragon Statue Flame Thrower
Bond accidentally pushes on this dragon statue in Wai Lin’s hideout and finds its true purpose.
Bond accidentally pushes on this dragon statue in Wai Lin’s hideout and finds its true purpose.

Earring Lockpick
Wai Lin uses this lockpick to unlock her handcuffs, and coyly escape from Bond as they shower.
Wai Lin uses this lockpick to unlock her handcuffs, and coyly escape from Bond as they shower.

Deadly Hand Fan
Another Wai Lin weapon, when this hand fan is expanded, wire-linked darts shoot out from the top.
Another Wai Lin weapon, when this hand fan is expanded, wire-linked darts shoot out from the top.

Sea Drill
Elliot Carver uses this remote controllable sea drill to wreak havoc in the South China Sea to create the news and drama he chooses for his Tomorrow newspaper’s headlines.
Elliot Carver uses this remote controllable sea drill to wreak havoc in the South China Sea to create the news and drama he chooses for his Tomorrow newspaper’s headlines.

GPS Encoder
Dr. Gupta uses this device to meacon GPS coordinates of ships, sending them off course and into the path best suited for Carver’s headlines.
Dr. Gupta uses this device to meacon GPS coordinates of ships, sending them off course and into the path best suited for Carver’s headlines.
The World Is Not Enough (1999)

Bagpipe Machine Gun/Flamethrower
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a notable Scottish instrument but also a deadly weapon. As Bond notes, “we all have to pay the piper sometime.”
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab is a notable Scottish instrument but also a deadly weapon. As Bond notes, “we all have to pay the piper sometime.”

HP Jornada 430se
Dr. Christmas Jones’s handheld personal computer that aids in the disarmament of a nuclear weapon. Bond can thank Dr. Jones and this little device for saving his life.
Dr. Christmas Jones’s handheld personal computer that aids in the disarmament of a nuclear weapon. Bond can thank Dr. Jones and this little device for saving his life.

Cane Gun
Zukovsky uses his custom cane to shoot Bond’s shackles just enough to allow 007 to escape the grasp of Elektra King.
Zukovsky uses his custom cane to shoot Bond’s shackles just enough to allow 007 to escape the grasp of Elektra King.
Die Another Day (2002)

Gene Therapy Treatment Mask
Zao uses this gene therapy treatment mask to alter his DNA and change his appearance to look like Gustav Graves.
Zao uses this gene therapy treatment mask to alter his DNA and change his appearance to look like Gustav Graves.

Gustav Graves’ Bionic Suit
Graves’ rather bizarre suit makes an appearance in the tail end of Die Another Day, shocking Bond temporarily. It’s not enough to defeat Bond, however, and Graves is eventually shocked himself and falls out of a plane into its engine.
Graves’ rather bizarre suit makes an appearance in the tail end of Die Another Day, shocking Bond temporarily. It’s not enough to defeat Bond, however, and Graves is eventually shocked himself and falls out of a plane into its engine.
Casino Royale (2006)

Handheld Flashlight Bomb
Le Chiffre’s henchman Carlos attempts to use this handheld flashlight bomb to blow up the Skyfleet airliner for Le Chiffre’s profit gain. Bond has other ideas, eventually stopping the attack and using the bomb to blow Carlos up as he is about to be taken into custody.
Le Chiffre’s henchman Carlos attempts to use this handheld flashlight bomb to blow up the Skyfleet airliner for Le Chiffre’s profit gain. Bond has other ideas, eventually stopping the attack and using the bomb to blow Carlos up as he is about to be taken into custody.
Spectre (2015)

USB Physical Analysis Tool
Q uses this device to analyze the Spectre ring that Bond obtained from Marco Sciarra. DNA on the ring is found to be that of many Spectre members.
Q uses this device to analyze the Spectre ring that Bond obtained from Marco Sciarra. DNA on the ring is found to be that of many Spectre members.

Torture Drill
Blofeld’s cruel drill is meant to torture Bond and erase 007’s memory and recognition of anyone by destroying his fusiform jarvis, part of the brain’s temporal lobe.
Blofeld’s cruel drill is meant to torture Bond and erase 007’s memory and recognition of anyone by destroying his fusiform jarvis, part of the brain’s temporal lobe.

Metal Thumb Nails
Mr. Hinx shows his worth to Spectre members by brutally killing for the job he wants using these sharp weapons as eye-pokers. Ouch!
Mr. Hinx shows his worth to Spectre members by brutally killing for the job he wants using these sharp weapons as eye-pokers. Ouch!