- Rated: PG
- Number in Series: 13
- Running Time: 134 minutes
- Budget: $36 million
- UK Premiere: December 14, 1983
- US Premiere: October 07, 1983
- Box Office US Gross USD: $55.50 million
- Box Office US Adjusted 2018 USD: $141.22 million
- Box Office Worldwide Gross USD: $160.00 million
- Box Office Worldwide Adjusted 2018 USD: $407.11 million

- James Bond: Sean Connery
- Moneypenny: Pamela Salem
- M: Edward Fox
- Q: Alec McCowen
- Bond Girl (Domino): Kim Basinger
- Villain (Emile Largo): Klaus Maria Brandauer
- Henchman (Fatmia Blush): Barbara Carrera
- Writing Credits: Kevin McClory
- Producer: Jack Schwartzman
- Producer: Kevin McClory
- Director: Irvin Kershner
- Composer: Michel Legrand
- Title Song: Lani Hall
- Full Cast & Crew: IMDB.com
- Wikipedia Page

Sean Connery is back for his final performance as superagent James Bond in this high-velocity action thriller from the director of The Empire Strikes Back.
When two atomic warheads are hijacked by the evil SPECTRE organization, Agent 007 is hurled into an explosive, pulse-pounding race to save the world from nuclear terrorists!
Note: This movie is considered an “unofficial” James Bond movie because it was not produced by Eon Productions. Instead, it was produced by the independent production company Producers Sales Organization. One of its members was Kevin McClory, an original writer of the Thunderball story line with Ian Fleming and Jack Whittingham. McClory retained the filming rights of the novel following a long legal battle dating from the 1960s, and this movie was the result of his push to create a movie.

- Agente 007, mai dire mai (1983) (Italy)
- Ala kieltaydy kahdesti (1983) (Finland)
- Jamais plus jamais (1983) (France)
- James Bond 007 – Sag niemals nie (1984) (West Germany)
- Mai dire mai (1983) (Italy)
- Neka aldrig tva ganger (1983) (Finland: Swedish Title)
- Nigdy nie mow nigdy (1983) (Poland)
- Nunca Digas Nunca (1983) (Portugal)
- Nunca digas nunca jamas (1983) (Spain)
- Warhead (1983) (USA: working title)