Mr. White: “The first thing you should know about us is that we have people everywhere.”
James Bond: “Don’t bleed to death.”
James Bond: “Are you going to tell us who you work for?”
Mr. White: “I was always very interested to meet you. I’d heard so much about you from Vesper. The real shame is, if she hadn’t killed herself we would’ve had you too.”
M: “The Americans are gonna be none too pleased about this.”
James Bond:“I promised them Le Chiffre and they got Le Chiffre.”
M: “They got his body.”
James Bond: “Well, if they wanted his soul they should have made a deal with a priest.”
M: “It’s about trust. You said you weren’t motivated by revenge.”
James Bond: “I am motivated by my duty.”
M: “No. I think you’re so blinded by inconsolable rage that you don’t care who you hurt. When you can’t tell your friends from your enemies, it’s time to go.”
M: “What the hell is this organization Bond? How can they be everywhere and we know nothing about them?”
M: “You killed a man in Bregenz.”
James Bond: “I did my best not to.”
M: “You shot him at point blank and threw him off a roof. I would hardly call that showing restraint!”
Dominic Greene:[To General Medrano] “You want your country back. My organization can give it to you within the week.”
Mathis: “What are you drinking?”
James Bond: “Eh. [To bartender] What am I drinking?”
Bartender: “Three measures of Gordon’s gin, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina – “
Mathis: “Kina Lillet.”
Bartender: “Kina Lillet. Which is not Vermouth. Shaken well until it is ice cold and served with a large, thin slice of lemon peel. Six of them.”
Mathis: “That’s impressive.”
Strawberry Fields: “Mr. Bond, my name is Fields. I’m from the consulate.”
James Bond: “Of course you are. And what do you do at the consulate, Fields?”
Strawberry Fields: “That’s not important. My orders are to turn you around and put you on the first plane back to London.”
James Bond: [Walking past her] “Do those orders include my friend Mathis?”
Strawberry Fields: [to Mathis] “I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.”
James Bond: [to Mathis] “You see that? Gone such a short time, you’re already forgotten.”
Mathis: “You’re just saying that to hurt me.”
Strawberry Fields: [Following Bond out] “Mr. Bond, these orders come from the highest possible authority.”
James Bond: “Taxi! Fields, when is the next flight to London?”
Strawberry Fields: “Tomorrow morning.”
James Bond: “Well then, we have all night.”
Strawberry Fields: “If you attempt to flee I will arrest you, drop you off at the jail and take you to the plane in chains, understand?”
James Bond: [Opening the taxi door] “Perfectly. After you.”
Mathis: “I think she has handcuffs.”
James Bond: “I hope so.”
Strawberry Fields: “You’re going nowhere.”
James Bond: “So shoot me. I’d rather stay at a morgue.”
Strawberry Fields: “We are teachers on sabbatical. This fits our cover.”
James Bond: “No it doesn’t, get in. Get in!”
[They go to a nicer hotel]
James Bond: [to the hotel receptionist in Spanish] “Hello. We’re teachers on sabbatical and we’ve just won the lottery.”
James Bond: “You know I was just wondering what South America would look like if nobody gave a damn about coke or communism. It’s always impressed me the way you boys would carve this place up.”
Felix Leiter: “I’ll take that as a compliment coming from a Brit.”
James Bond: “How long have I got?”
Felix Leiter: “Thirty seconds.”
James Bond: “That doesn’t give us a lot of time does it?”
James Bond: [looking at Corinne] “You’re Canadian? You work in Canadian intelligence?”
Corinne: [doesn’t answer]
James Bond: “That’s all right – I know you do. And knowing this man, I’d guess have access to some very sensitive material which you’re going to be forced to give up. His life will be threatened – and because you love him, you won’t hesitate.”
James Bond: “That’s a beautiful necklace. Did he give it to you?”
Corinne: [still doesn’t answer]
James Bond: [showing her Vesper’s necklace] “I have one just like it. He gave it to a friend of mine – someone very close to me. Your name is?”
Corinne: “Corinne.”
James Bond: “Corinne – Corinne, I suggest you leave now. You contact your people, and you tell them to check their seals. They have a leak. Do it now, please. This man and I have some unfinished business.”
Corinne: [softly, as she leaves] “Thank you.”
M: “Bond. I need you back.”
James Bond: “I never left.”
Gun Barrel Theme.