Quite the body count you’re stacking up
After Bond saves the Skyfleet S570 airliner from destruction in Casino Royale (2006), revenge is paid to the person that tipped him off to the terrorist plot.
That person just so happens to be Bond’s previous sultry fling and Alex Dimitrios’ mistress, Solange (Caterina Murino), who is killed for her loud mouth. At the gruesome crime scene, Bond views her lifeless body knotted up in a hammock, covered in sand. The sight is so gross that a colleague gags and has to leave out of disgust, while M (Judi Dench) scolds Bond for his reckless (although successful) behavior in thwarting the terrorist act. After M ensures that Bond was otherwise tight-lipped with the deceased, Solange is ultimately deemed collateral damage and Bond continues his mission.

James Bond (Daniel Craig) sees the body of Solange Dimitrios (Caterina Murino) in Casino Royale (2006)