[M arrives at her home and prepares a drink when she suddenly hears the sound of glass clanging from behind her. She sees a silhouette of Bond near the window]
M: “Where the hell have you been?”
James Bond: “Enjoying death. 007 reporting for duty.”
Doctor Hall: “[Bond enters the interrogation room to take his psychological test, looking toward the one way mirror. M and Mallory stand on the other side with Tanner] I’d like to start with some simple word associations. Just tell me the first word that pops into your head. For example, I might say, “Day” and you might say…”
James Bond: “Wasted.”
Doctor Hall: “[sighs] All right.”
Doctor Hall: “Gun.”
James Bond: “Shot.”
Doctor Hall: “Agent.”
James Bond: “Provocateur.”
Doctor Hall: “Woman?
James Bond: “Provocatrix.”
Doctor Hall: “Heart.”
James Bond: “Target.”
Doctor Hall: “Bird.”
James Bond: “Sky.”
Doctor Hall: “M.”
James Bond: “Bitch.”
[M sighs from the other side of the interrogation room]
Doctor Hall: “Sunlight.”
James Bond: “Swim.”
Doctor Hall: “Moonlight.”
James Bond: “Dance.”
Doctor Hall: “Murder.”
James Bond: “Employment.”
Doctor Hall: “Country.”
James Bond: “England.”
Doctor Hall: “Skyfall.”
[Bond suddenly pauses]
Doctor Hall: “Skyfall.”
[Continued pause]
Doctor Hall: “Done.”
[Bond walks out – looking coldly through the one-way mirror]
Gareth Mallory: “Hmm, this is going well.”
[he leaves, M sighs again]
[Bond stares at the porcelain bulldog statue on M’s desk]
James Bond: “The whole office goes up in smoke and that bloody thing survives.”
M: “Your interior decorating tips have always been appreciated, 007.”
Q: “It always makes me feel a little melancholy. Grand old war ship being ignominiously haunted away for scrap – the inevitability of time, don’t you think? What do you see?
James Bond: “A bloody big ship. Excuse me.”
Q: “007. I’m your new Quartermaster.”
James Bond: “You must be joking.”
Q: “Why, because I’m not wearing a lab coat?
James Bond: “Because you still have spots.”
Q: “My complexion is hardly relevant.”
James Bond: “Your competence is.”
Q: “Age is no guarantee of efficiency.”
James Bond: “And youth is no guarantee of innovation.”
Q: “Well, I’ll hazard I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pajamas before my first cup of Earl Grey than you can do in a year in the field.”
James Bond: “Oh, so why do you need me?
Q: “Every now and then a trigger has to be pulled.”
James Bond: “Or not pulled. It’s hard to know which in your pajamas. Q.”
Q: “007.”
Q: “Walther PPK/S nine-millimeter short. There’s a microdermal sensor in the grip encoded to your palmprint so only you can fire it. Less of a random killing machine, more of a personal statement.”
James Bond: “A gun and a radio. Not exactly Christmas, is it?
Q: “Were you expecting an exploding pen? We don’t really go in for that anymore.”
Severine: “Who doesn’t appreciate the occasional twists, Mister?
James Bond: “Bond. James Bond.”
Severine: “How much do you know about fear?
James Bond: “All there is.”
Severine: “Not like this. Not like him.”
Raoul Silva: “Well, first time for everything.”
[Bond smiles]
Raoul Silva: “Yes?
James Bond: “What makes you think this is my first time?
Raoul Silva: “[sits back] Oh, Mr Bond. All the physical stuff – so dull, so dull.”
Q: “Only about six people in the world could program safeguards like that.”
James Bond: “Of course there are, can you get past them?
Q: “I invented them.”
[Bond is chasing Silva who escaped, trying to open a door]
James Bond: “It won’t open.”
Q: “Of course it will, put your back into it.”
James Bond: “Why don’t you come down here and put your back into it?
M: “Is this where you grew up?
James Bond: “Mm.”
M: “How old were you when they died?
James Bond: “You know the answer to that. You know the whole story.”
M: “Orphans always make the best recruits.”
[Kincade shoots two of Silva’s goons]
Kincade: “Welcome to Scotland!
James Bond: “You know, we’ve never formally been introduced.”
Eve: “Oh? Well, my name’s Eve. Eve Moneypenny.”
James Bond: “Well I look forward to our time together, Miss Moneypenny.”
Eve: “”Me too. I’m sure we’ll have one or two close shaves.”
Gareth Mallory: “”Are you ready to get back to work?”
James Bond: “”With pleasure, M. With pleasure.”
Gun Barrel Theme.