James Bond (David Nelson) plays baccarat against Le Chiffre (Peter Lorre) in the unofficial Casino Royale (TV – 1954)

A gazing Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen) yearns for their love.

“Why can’t I have that?”

“Your gun is digging in to my hip.”

He cries…in blood.

Worst. Valentine’s Day. Ever.

Overview of the poker table in Casino Royale (2006)

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So just how did Bond beat Le Chiffre in the famous final poker game in Casino Royale? Bond had the best poker hand – especially when it mattered most, of course. Let’s break it down:
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Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen) tortures James Bond (Daniel Craig) by making him watch Die Another Day (2002)
When Bond logs into MI6’s secure site using M’s profile in Casino Royale (2006), he looks into Alex Dimitrios (who he is tracking in the Bahamas) as we well as his known associates. The computer scene is pretty quick, but it’s neat to see Dimitrios’ bad (and mostly dead) friends.

Alex Dimitrios – Government Contractor

Mads Mikkelsen as Le Chiffre in Casino Royale (2006)
Losing an argument? Emphasis is key!
Linda Christian as Valerie Mathis and Peter Lorre as Le Chiffre in Casino Royale (TV – 1954)
This is probably the best shot in the made-for-TV unofficial Bond movie – simple but awesome. Although lacking in visual quality and production, the film is a great time capsule and novel first on-screen presence of the world’s favorite secret agent.