wai lin

Do you see the chopper?

This is one of those frustrating James Bond movie chases where there are a hundred different scenarios where it could have been stopped or made less dangerous by some better decision making. For starters, why did the baddies here decide to use their mode of transportation as part of their strategy to kill Bond? Surely they knew, and would of course eventually find out, they had a death wish if anything disturbs the helicopter rotors.

And why doesn’t Bond and Wai Lin just stop? Get off the bike, disappear in the crowd?

Tomorrow Never Dies promo shot

Windows 10 "James Bond Island" Thailand Lock Screen - setting of The Man With The Golden Gun (1974)

Windows 10 “James Bond Island” Lock Screen

Windows 10 "James Bond Island" Thailand Lock Screen - setting of The Man With The Golden Gun (1974)Hey! I know that lock screen setting from The Man With The Golden Gun (1974):

Opening scene of The Man With The Golden Gun (1974), set on Khao Phing Kan, Thailand - "James Bond Island"

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Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) - Pathetic


This scene from Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) has to be one of the weakest a Bond villain has ever looked. Who signed off on having the end of this scene? Cringe!

I’ve always thought that Elliot Carver (Jonathan Pryce) Tomorrow plot in TND is one of the most realistic/plausible villain plots of the entire series – controlling information and the media is a very powerful thing (hat-tip Elon Musk/Twitter). I’ll give credit to the double-entendre anchorman quote to Carver, but his end “imitation” of Wai-Lin’s (Michelle Yeoh) fighting skills is nothing short of the “pathetic” word he elicits himself. Gross!

Elliot Carver shows off his karate skills in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)