
1976 Lotus Esprit
Plate #: PPW 306R
Bond drives this car on land and underwater (thanks to its submarine capabilities) while escaping Naomi’s shots from a helicopter.

Skipole Gun
At the start of The Spy Who Loved Me, 007 uses this to dispose of some persuers. It is simply a normal-looking Rossignol skipole which has a concealed trigger near the handle. When pressing the trigger, a single .30 calibre bullet is shot out of the pole, which is actually a gun barrel, into an enemy. It has a magazine of four bullets.
At the start of The Spy Who Loved Me, 007 uses this to dispose of some persuers. It is simply a normal-looking Rossignol skipole which has a concealed trigger near the handle. When pressing the trigger, a single .30 calibre bullet is shot out of the pole, which is actually a gun barrel, into an enemy. It has a magazine of four bullets.

Handheld Microfilm Reader
To view some microfilm he retrieved in The Spy Who Loved Me, 007 uses this little gadget supplied by the one and only Q. It is disguised as a cigerette case but after arranging it’s components correctly it enables portable viewing of microfilm.
To view some microfilm he retrieved in The Spy Who Loved Me, 007 uses this little gadget supplied by the one and only Q. It is disguised as a cigerette case but after arranging it’s components correctly it enables portable viewing of microfilm.
Movie Gadgets

Hookah Gun
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab can quickly change from a deadly smoking device to a deadly shooting device.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab can quickly change from a deadly smoking device to a deadly shooting device.

Metallic Teeth
Jaws’ iconic teeth can rip through thick cables and kill to this henchman’s content. Magnets are their only downfall, of course.
Jaws’ iconic teeth can rip through thick cables and kill to this henchman’s content. Magnets are their only downfall, of course.

Magnetic Metallic Tray
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab can be used as a weapon or a fast way of delivering a food order.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab can be used as a weapon or a fast way of delivering a food order.

Oil Slick Shooter
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab has an unclear purpose, but may just be a test bed for installation in one of Q Branch’s many customized cars.
This background gadget seen in Q’s lab has an unclear purpose, but may just be a test bed for installation in one of Q Branch’s many customized cars.

Sidecar Missile
One of Stromberg’s henchman uses this neat add-on to their motorcycle in an attempt to blow up Bond and Triple X in the Lotus Esprit. Bond weaves in and out of traffic to avoid getting hit, however.
One of Stromberg’s henchman uses this neat add-on to their motorcycle in an attempt to blow up Bond and Triple X in the Lotus Esprit. Bond weaves in and out of traffic to avoid getting hit, however.

Ejector Ottoman
This background gadget is seen in Q’s lab and could likely be used as a prank or a shock method to subdue a suspect.
This background gadget is seen in Q’s lab and could likely be used as a prank or a shock method to subdue a suspect.

Stun Cigarette
Triple X uses this cigarette to knock Bond out and briefly escape after their boat docks.
Triple X uses this cigarette to knock Bond out and briefly escape after their boat docks.

Radio Music Box
Triple X uses this radio disguised as a music box on her bedside stand as a means of communicating with her superiors.
Triple X uses this radio disguised as a music box on her bedside stand as a means of communicating with her superiors.

Camel Saddle Puncture Knife
This deadly gadget is seen in Q’s lab while Triple X and Bond walk by. Bond remarks that it would bring tears to the eye of the rider…for sure!
This deadly gadget is seen in Q’s lab while Triple X and Bond walk by. Bond remarks that it would bring tears to the eye of the rider…for sure!