Played by Samantha Bond
Moneypenny is at first happy to see 007 when he returns from Bilbao, Spain, but is disappointed in his gift of a cigar. She tells him that she knows exactly where to put it (in a sexually suggestive manner), then promptly throws it in the trash.
Played by Samantha Bond
Moneypenny is at first happy to see 007 when he returns from Bilbao, Spain, but is disappointed in his gift of a cigar. She tells him that she knows exactly where to put it (in a sexually suggestive manner), then promptly throws it in the trash.

Played by Dame Judi Dench
M plays a major role in The World is Not Enough, having a close relationship with Elektra’s father (studying law at Oxford together), and is even kidnapped but saved by 007 near the end of the movie.
Played by Dame Judi Dench
M plays a major role in The World is Not Enough, having a close relationship with Elektra’s father (studying law at Oxford together), and is even kidnapped but saved by 007 near the end of the movie.

Played by Desmond Llewelyn
Llewelyn’s last movie as Q begins with him warning 007 that the mini speed boat Bond steals from MI6 isn’t finished yet. Later, he introduces Bond to his successor, R, and showcases his gadgets as usual.
Played by Desmond Llewelyn
Llewelyn’s last movie as Q begins with him warning 007 that the mini speed boat Bond steals from MI6 isn’t finished yet. Later, he introduces Bond to his successor, R, and showcases his gadgets as usual.

Bill Tanner
Played by Michael Kitchen
M’s Chief of Staff outlines in detail just how the explosion that killed Sir Robert King occurred at MI6 Headquarters in a memorable scene.
Played by Michael Kitchen
M’s Chief of Staff outlines in detail just how the explosion that killed Sir Robert King occurred at MI6 Headquarters in a memorable scene.

Charles Robinson
Played by Colin Salmon
M’s Deputy Chief of Staff assists in the debriefing of 007 and other staff of the cause of the explosion at MI6 headquarters, as well as relaying the latest on next steps and leads.
Played by Colin Salmon
M’s Deputy Chief of Staff assists in the debriefing of 007 and other staff of the cause of the explosion at MI6 headquarters, as well as relaying the latest on next steps and leads.

Molly Warmflash
Played by Serena Scott Thomas
Dr. Warmflash is an MI6 physician that diagnoses 007 with a broken collarbone, essentially deactivating Bond from duty for weeks, until Bond seduces her into giving him a clean bill of health. Later in the movie, she briefs the team on Renard’s medical condition that causes him feeling no pain.
Played by Serena Scott Thomas
Dr. Warmflash is an MI6 physician that diagnoses 007 with a broken collarbone, essentially deactivating Bond from duty for weeks, until Bond seduces her into giving him a clean bill of health. Later in the movie, she briefs the team on Renard’s medical condition that causes him feeling no pain.

Valentin Zukovsky
Played by Robbie Coltrane
Zukovsky reappears in TWINE, again as the former KGB agent and somewhat reluctant ally of Bond’s. He now owns and operates a casino and a caviar factory in Baku. He helps Bond figure out Elektra’s oil domination plan.
Played by Robbie Coltrane
Zukovsky reappears in TWINE, again as the former KGB agent and somewhat reluctant ally of Bond’s. He now owns and operates a casino and a caviar factory in Baku. He helps Bond figure out Elektra’s oil domination plan.

Christmas Jones
Played by Denise Richards
Jones is a nuclear chemist that saves Bond’s life on more than one occasion. She defuses the nuclear bomb that is set to blow up, foiling Renard’s plan.
Played by Denise Richards
Jones is a nuclear chemist that saves Bond’s life on more than one occasion. She defuses the nuclear bomb that is set to blow up, foiling Renard’s plan.

Elektra King
Played by Sophie Marceau
King is a deceitful temptress and a double-crosser. She lies to Bond that she he is on his side throughout most of the movie. When Bond finds out she is sided with Renard, Bond doesn’t hesitate to kill her in cold blood.
Played by Sophie Marceau
King is a deceitful temptress and a double-crosser. She lies to Bond that she he is on his side throughout most of the movie. When Bond finds out she is sided with Renard, Bond doesn’t hesitate to kill her in cold blood.

Mr. Bullion
Played by Goldie
Mr. Bullion (real name Maurice Womasa) acts as Valentin Zukovsky’s right hand man and driver. His mouth is filled with gold teeth and he always carries a gold-plated briefcase.
Played by Goldie
Mr. Bullion (real name Maurice Womasa) acts as Valentin Zukovsky’s right hand man and driver. His mouth is filled with gold teeth and he always carries a gold-plated briefcase.

Played by John Seru
Gabor is Elektra King’s right-hand man and bodyguard and poses a threat to Bond when Bond wants to question Elektra.
Played by John Seru
Gabor is Elektra King’s right-hand man and bodyguard and poses a threat to Bond when Bond wants to question Elektra.

Cigar Girl
Played by Maria Grazia Cuccinotta
The Cigar Girl seems to be an innocent beauty in the pre-title sequence but when Bond gets back to MI6 and Sir Robert King is killed, we find out that she is responsible for his death. Bond proceeds to pursue her in a spectacular boat chase down the River
Played by Maria Grazia Cuccinotta
The Cigar Girl seems to be an innocent beauty in the pre-title sequence but when Bond gets back to MI6 and Sir Robert King is killed, we find out that she is responsible for his death. Bond proceeds to pursue her in a spectacular boat chase down the River

Played by Robert Carlyle
Victor Zukos, aka Renard, kidnapped Electra King years before The World Is Not Enough takes place. When Elektra’s father asked MI6 for help, M sent 009 to kill Renard. 009 shot him in the head but it didn’t kill him; instead disabling his feeling for pain.
Played by Robert Carlyle
Victor Zukos, aka Renard, kidnapped Electra King years before The World Is Not Enough takes place. When Elektra’s father asked MI6 for help, M sent 009 to kill Renard. 009 shot him in the head but it didn’t kill him; instead disabling his feeling for pain.