Vodka shots
In this 30 second interstitial scene from Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), we catch the rare sight of James Bond, 007 drinking shots of vodka. And warm ones at that! Yuck!
While James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) recovers from the brawl at the Carver Media Group Network (CMGN) event, he apparently can’t find the time to mix up a traditional vodka martini, shaken not stirred. Instead, he opts for the quick numbing effects of Smirnoff vodka shots, after which ensuring the silencer is properly attached to his Walther PPK. As one does.
You may remember that Bond rips shots of tequila in Skyfall (2012) with his scorpion friend, but I think this is the only time we see him take vodka shots in the entire series. Salut!

James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) rips shome warm shots of Smirnoff vodka (yuck!) in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)