Gun Barrel Theme.
M: “Miss Moneypenny give 007 the password we have agreed with Japanese SIS.”
Moneypenny: “Yes sir. We tried to think of something that you wouldn’t forget.”
James Bond:“Yes?”
Moneypenny: “I. Love. You. Repeat it please to make sure you get it.”
James Bond: “Don’t worry, I get it.”
Henderson: “Oh that’s stirred not shaken, that was right wasn’t it?”
[James, slightly annoyed that it isn’t right]
James Bond: “Perfect.”
Henderson: “Cheers.”
James Bond: “Cheers.”
Tiger Tanaka: “Permit me to introduce myself. My name is Tanaka. Please call me Tiger.”
James Bond: “If you’re Tanaka, how do you feel about me?”
Tiger Tanaka: “I-love you.”
James Bond: “I’m glad we got that out of the way.”
[Tiger chuckles]
Tiger Tanaka: “Do you like Japanese sake, Mr. Bond? Or would you prefer Vodka Martini?”
James Bond: “No no, I like sake, especially when it is served at the correct temperature, 98.4 degrees Fahrenheit like this is.”
Tiger Tanaka: “For a European you are exceptionally cultivated.”
[A row of women stand in front of James and Tiger]
Tiger Tanaka: “My friend, now you take your first civilized bath.”
James Bond: “Really? Well I like the plumbing.”
Tiger Tanaka: “Place yourself entirely in their hands my dear Bond-san. Rule number 1, he’s never to do anything for yourself when someone else can do it for you.”
James Bond: “And number 2?”
Tiger Tanaka: “Rule number 2: in Japan men always come first, women come second.”
James Bond: “I might just retire to here.”
Ernst Stavro Blofeld: “James Bond – allow me to introduce myself. I am Ernst Stavro Blofeld. They told me you were assassinated in Hong Kong.”
James Bond: “Yes, this is my second life.”
Ernst Stavro Blofeld: “You only live twice, Mr. Bond.”