never say never again

James Bond's urine sample in Never Say Never Again (1983)

NSNA really went there

James Bond's urine sample in Never Say Never Again (1983)James Bond’s pee was used as a “weapon” in Never Say Never Again (1983)

Oh yes…007

The Kevin McClory/EON dispute over the filming rights to the Thunderball storyline was eventually settled after a long legal battle and resulted in a rather bizarre resurgence of Sean Connery’s James Bond character in 1983’s Never Say Never Again (1983). Overall, I’d say the movie in average or below-average quality James Bond movie, but it also didn’t help that (for legal reasons) was missing standard aspects aspects of a Bond movie – most notably the gun barrel sequence and the classic James Bond theme. Putting aside comparisons of other parts of the Thunderball story, it’s fun but a bit bland overall.

Anyways, in the scene featured above set in a rehab clinic, a nosy Bond is suspicious of some peculiar activity he witnesses through a window. Another patient, Jack Petachi (Gavan O’Hurlihy), is in the midst of an eye scan procedure with the help of Fatima Blush (Barbara Carrera), and it piques Bond’s interest. Bond’s cover is blown, and although he attempts to hide, he’s eventually seen by Blush (a SPECTRE agent) as she scans the area with night vision goggles. It’s a pretty cool shot at the end and Blush memorably enunciates Bond’s agent number. This encounter eventually leads to the uncovering of a plot of stolen identity (explaining Petachi’s procedure attempting to replicate an iris pattern) and nuclear weapon robbery.

It’s obvious (and referenced) throughout the movie that Connery is an aged James Bond, but I’d say not any more so than his counterpart Roger Moore in his final movie < ahref="/avtak/">A View To A Kill just two years later in 1985. NSNA is cool for what it is, but nothing to write home about.

Never Say Never Again (1983) - Oh yes...007

James Bond breaks the fourth wall in Never Say Never Again (1983)

James Bond breaks the fourth wall

James Bond breaks the fourth wall in Never Say Never Again (1983)

…at the end of the unofficial James Bond movie Never Say Never Again (1983) with a simple wink to the camera.

And at the end of the pre-title sequence in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969), with a direct look at the camera and a quote referencing Lazenby’s take-over of the Bond role from Connery:

James Bond breaks the fourth wall in On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)

“This never happened to the other fella.”
Sean Connery as James Bond in Never Say Never Again (1983)

James Bond plays a video game

Sean Connery as James Bond in Never Say Never Again (1983)
…in the unofficial Bond movie Never Say Never Again (1983).

The Tears of Allah


Blofeld's cat in For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Persian Cat Herding

Here are all of the times Ernst Stavro Blofeld’s feline friend made an appearance in the James Bond movies. Which cat is your favorite?

Blofeld's cat in From Russia With Love (1963)

Blofeld’s cat in From Russia With Love (1963)

Blofeld's cat in You Only Live Twice (1967)

Blofeld’s cat in You Only Live Twice (1967)

Blofeld's cat in Diamonds Are Forever (1971)

Blofeld’s cat in Diamonds Are Forever (1971)

Blofeld's cat in For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Blofeld’s cat in For Your Eyes Only (1981)

Blofeld's cat in Never Say Never Again (1983)

Blofeld’s cat in Never Say Never Again (1983)

Blofeld's cat in Spectre (2015)

Blofeld’s cat in Spectre (2015)

In an alternate universe, James Bond (Sean Connery) in Never Say Never Again (1983) achieves a Victory Royale in Fortnite

James Bond’s Victory Royale

In an alternate universe, James Bond (Sean Connery) in Never Say Never Again (1983) achieves a Victory Royale in Fortnite

In an alternate universe, James Bond (Sean Connery) in Never Say Never Again (1983) achieves a Victory Royale in Fortnite

The only two years in James Bond movie history to have two movies released in the same year: 1967 (the unofficial Casino Royale and You Only Live Twice) and 1983 (the unofficial Never Say Never Again and Octopussy)

Which is the best two movie year for James Bond fans?

The only two years in James Bond movie history to have two movies released in the same year: 1967 (the unofficial Casino Royale and You Only Live Twice) and 1983 (the unofficial Never Say Never Again and Octopussy)

The only two years in James Bond movie history to have two movies released in the same year: 1967 (the unofficial Casino Royale and You Only Live Twice) and 1983 (the unofficial Never Say Never Again and Octopussy)

A James Bond spin on the "distracted boyfriend" meme - Thunderball can't believe Never Say Never Again would attempt its own interpretation of the Thunderball novel

Thunderball vs. Never Say Never Again

A James Bond spin on the "distracted boyfriend" meme - Thunderball can't believe Never Say Never Again would attempt its own interpretation of the Thunderball novel

A James Bond spin on the “distracted boyfriend” memeThunderball can’t believe Never Say Never Again would attempt its own interpretation of the Thunderball novel

Sean Connery as James Bond in You Only Live Twice (1967)

RIP Sir Sean Connery

Sean Connery is and always will be the best and my favorite actor to portray James Bond. My favorite James Bond movie may change periodically, but I’ll always point to Connery’s iconic introduction scene from Dr. No as the true definition of James Bond. RIP.